Socialism, commonly known for the very little, unimportant factor of having workers own the means of production, now includes a stock market where people can buy a share of the means of production, using capital, without ever having worked there, or anywhere, ever?
News to me.
Ok yeah I won’t even need to read the rest
I mean tbf if a single country adopted socialism it would still have a GDP of some kind as long as there was the need for goods that came from outside the country. Hell you could have the ideal communist society but would still have to trade for something because no land on earth has all of the resources a modern society needs.
In Hungary, a lot of companies are state owned*, I guess I now live in a communist utopia under comrade Viktor Orbán.
* at max 25%, only so the losses can be subsidized by the state, and old people that wanted “the good old days” back could cheer that “the industries were nationalized”.
There are over 800 billionaires in China… but I don’t know of any factories where the workers control the means of production.
800 Billionaires
What is that, CIA propaganda comrade? Please correct your source to our glorious red propaganda.
Sorry, I am a Western imperialist capitalist propagandist dog.
Incidentally, there are only 756 billionaires in the U.S.