I don’t know the specifics of this South African law, but isn’t it basically punishing today’s landowners for the wrongs of their ancestors? And they’re taking over land without compensation? That’s nuts! Here in my country, land is only expropriated without payment when the owner uses it for illegal drugs like marijuana.
There is a sizeable “Lost Cause” myth among racists for both South Africa and Zimbabwe/formerly Rhodesia. In talking about these countries and seemingly caring about them, it makes them seem more worldly and less racist. They’ll often try to deny that these regimes were apartheid at all by pointing out that the military was desegregated, despite that having little to do with how the native Africans were actually treated both under the law and outside of it. Their fascination also crosses over with anti-communist sentiment because many of their adversaries were communist if not directly USSR-backed. And killing communists is BASED.
It’s all “right of play” rhetoric that one quote about arguing with Nazis talks about, it’s either intellectually lazy or intentionally dishonest. When you get down to brass tacks with this Myth, the hypothesis they put forth is “Africa can only ever prosper if Whites are in charge.”
Just further proof that he’s white supremacist. Offering asylum for white people from South Africa because the indigenous people in the area who now rule after apartheid are trying to get recompense.
I’m not sure I’ve ever seen such blatantly and unapologetically racist government policy in my life time.
Don’t get me wrong, we’ve come close, but this genuinely might just take the cake.
How like Trump to do something extremely racist and then call everyone else a racist.