Nice try, Al-bum.
The Hope diamond.
A grain of sand, dump it in the ocean
I was thinking the same thing, except a rock. I frequently visit ships as part of my job, and it would be no problem dumping it somewhere it would be likely to remain undisturbed for the rest of eternity. A grain if sand is likely to move with the currents. A rock will not.
But then your loyal servants won’t be able to find it either to bring you back.
A butt plug
Go to school for aeronautics, become a rocket scientist. Get a job making rockets and satellites. When you finally get to work on a probe that is designed to not return, make it a horcrux just before it’s launched. Even if people eventually figure out what it is, they won’t be able to do anything about it until we have access to FTL travel.
Huh, maybe.
You don’t respawn from the horcrux, it just tethers your soul to the world, but maybe it could result in your soul getting drifted into space somehow?
I don’t think that’s what Rowling intended, but I dare say she might have made a few logic errors in her children’s books.