Bit of a wild swim in that wind. Very choppy waves hitting the beach at 45 degrees (usually they’re parallel). Ended up 80m down the beach in a few mins from where my kit was. Certainly wasn’t a south easterly as per BoM but nth. easterly.
So no wave tonight just sand in the wind:
They denied my raise. Apparently doing 45 hour weeks isn’t enough. Go fuck yourselves. Give me insanely difficult clients and then tell me the relationship isn’t great. Pretty much what I expected.
The relationships were damaged significantly from issues between respective leaderships. Very little could be done and none of them had anything but praise for me.
What a bunch of fuck heads. Losing staff left right and centre and then refusing to accommodate you is so stupid. They know the place is going down the toilet.
That really does suck. Time to stick to the job description and use that time for other applications
I know that. Your job listing better have Seek Easy Apply or its going into the Saved Abyss
What a bummer. Especially when this place had such promise when you first started. Sounds like you’ve exhausted every avenue and it’s time to move on… Hope you manage to jump this sinking ship soon, seems like nothing but bad news all around.
Sooner you get a new role the sooner you can think about moving house too.
I honestly felt this was the best job I had. Of course, I get anxious thinking “am I overreacting”? But then I remember that we’ve lost close to a dozen people in less than 3 months.
I’ll be out soon hopefully, I’ve got interviews this week.
I’m trying to move house ASAP, but I don’t think I can swing it just yet. But we’ll see.
That’s so bad. Really digging their heads in the sand with the chaos going around them.
I was working with one of my clients to sign a 1.5 million dollar contract.
Not anymore.
Today is a shut down and try again tomorrow day. Was not productive at all, too sleepy.
ugh I am so hot today. wtf
Dentist today. First checkup in…a lot of years. Little scared about what my mouth and wallet are going to look like after