I have two weird ones

  1. Online only friend from discord wanted a donor

  2. Random masseuse kept asking for a sperm sample (literally, it was weird), until finally I understand she wasn’t joking.

3 points

You got the upvotes but no engangement up until now. Allow me.

To my knowledge, the kink doesn’t imply deriving into actual pregnancies. Yes, the most orthodox people making this their fetish will argue that the thrill is in getting to a pregnancy but still. Many can enjoy the kink with no real consequence, using birth control, and I’ve read that even gay men can have this fetish to a degree but it is then called cum dumping.

So, perhaps we could be a bit broader on the subject?

Are we speaking of true impregnation fetish or just the fantasy play with a lot of creampies added for extra fun and visual effects?

Now that I even think about, I can come up with an easy game to spice things up, if the whole breeding fantasy is a thing. Consensual adults required and additional birth control.

Get a box of condoms. Open it and dump the condoms on a surface. Mark every single one with a large X or some other sign, in sharpie. Pick a few of them and, with a very thin needle, poke them through in such a way that may cause rupture. Put the condoms back in the box and keep it secure, if you fear some person not into your kink taking a few. Organize a roleplay night and use one or more of those condoms. Get really kinky. If one ruptures, bonus points for the kink roleplay.

This should only be attempted between informed knowing and consenting adults. Otherwise, purposefully damaging a condom can be considered rape.


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