I feel like it’s the main reason I can’t stop my YouTube addiction, do you guys have any ideas ?
I subscribed to too many YouTubes. Then I tried to watch all the good videos from the YouTubes I was subscribed to.
I can sort of almost keep up? If I go and watch YouTube constantly I can clear like 6 months’ backlog in 2 months. But then at the end of the 2 months I’m like, was all that stuff really any better than the new stuff that’s showing up today? Or than the other stuff I would have been watching or listening to? And the answer is really no.
So I think next time I take an interest in YouTube I’m not going to try and clear the backlog. It’s not like it won’t be there later; if I hear of a great video, I can go and watch it. And anything that won’t be there latter is deliberately designed to exclude me, so why would I want it?
Whatever you decide to participate in, you’re participating in that thing. You can’t actually participate in anything if you keep going around trying to participate in everything at once.
“It takes all kinds” is something I have remind myself when comparing myself to others. If were all the same we would be collectively lesser for it.
Two sayings come to mind, “You can’t do everything” and “Variety is the spice of life.”
There is not enough time/energy/money to do everything. Life is short, pick and choose what you do and try to experience all the different things you can.
Once you let go of feeling like you need to do everything it’s liberating. You can make your own path, but still do things you used to do as well.
I don’t have this problem with YouTube but I have this with video games. What I do is remember that I’m one person, I can never experience everything. With any form of media, what I get to experience is what I get to experience. Even though I don’t have much, as long as I get to experience something that’s new to me, even if it’s old, I’m still happy with it.
Well, I’d say find something else interesting to do. I’m not sure if this is replacing one addiction with another. But maybe you can find something healthy to do. And replacing a behaviour with something else is probably easier than giving it up and keeping a ‘hole’ there.
Changing one’s behaviour isn’t easy most of the time. But certainly possible. The other commenters are correct. You’re not missing out by not spending time on youtube. Also keep in mind, social networks, youtube etc are meant to be addictive so you spend your time and attention there, so they can make money.