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Title. It seems like the police just chose a random person to have someone to prosecute.
I believe he was the shooter, and that he should be found not guilty.
Unlikely, but there’s always jury nullification. Which I just realized would be recorded as a “not guilty” verdict, though the implication is “he did it, but we think it’s OK”
Can’t be. I was with him at the time of the murder.
Call me jaded but I am not predisposed to take the NYPD at their word.
People seem to forget about the innocent until proven guilty part, the raw amount of perjury with the theater surrounding this person is mind-numbing. If he makes it out of this he will be come a billionaire out of defamation alone, almost all mainstream news sources treated his guilt as a foregone conclusion with barely an “allegedly” in sight.
Not guilty regardless.
I believe he deserves a presumption of innocence as is his constitutional and human right.