Citations Needed podcast did a Patreon members-only segment about it: News Brief: Musk Goes Full Alex Jones as Media Belatedly Mentions the Dreaded “I” Word
In this Patreon-only News Brief, we discuss the latest in Elon Musk’s rightwing coup of the regulatory state, how a couple of outlets are beginning to slowly, coyly mention DOGE’s ideological agenda, and how Musk and Trump have successfully built an alternative faux populist universe propped up by dishonesty and conspiratorial mud-slinging—exploiting Democrats’ insistence on being the party of legal formalism and the status quo.
And you’re a bigger fool for thinking they’re not.
They might be stupid. They’re certainly incompetent but they most definitely have an ideology.
So. When and If the Liberals can ever take back the Senate and House. They should deport Leon and nationalize all of his businesses and sell them off to the highest bidder.
They’re liberals. They’ll proudly shake his hand and let him keep all his businesses to show their moral superiority.
No fucking way…
This is like when science does a study on why people eat cake and find out it’s mostly because it tastes good. Everyone already knew that, but guess it’s nice to have the paperwork in order?
Many people don’t know, because most people get their information from corporate media, and until this Reuters article came out, virtually all of corporate media had been playing dumb about DOGE being an ideological project rather than a non-ideological waste-cutting one.
Citations Needed, Feb. 6: News Brief: Media Continues Painting Musk’s Far Right Coup as Good Faith “Cost-Cutting Effort”