This is such a dumb take. I don’t trust raw milk, but those that do aren’t arguing it won’t spoil at room temperature. Like, I support buying local, free-range chicken meat. But if someone came up to me and said “Oh yea? Well if you like chicken without antibiotics and preservatives, why do you still refrigerate it?!” I’d look at them like a fucking idiot.
Maybe the joke isn’t particularly fair, maybe it doesn’t really need to be.
You have logical reasons to avoid antibiotics and preservatives. Someone might not agree, but whatever the case, you made that decision based on some amount of evidence.
Raw milk though… I think the meme is correct to equate anger with pasteurization as a denial of germ theory. We pasteurize and refrigerate for the same reason: to keep bacteria from growing. It is a fair question: if pasteurization is unnecessary, why is refrigeration necessary? Avoiding preservatives doesn’t beg the same question.
Do you guys really drink milk? I don’t think I’ve had a glass of milk since I was like 14.
I will have milk with things like cookies or chocolate cake. And milk is mandatory for Oreos.
I hate dipping cookies in milk. It doesn’t coat the cookie it just makes it sloppy. It might as well be water.
My family used to drink milk for dinner. We probably went through ten liters of milk in a week. The top third of the fridge was always reserved for milk.
When i moved out i continued doing this for a while or eating cornflakes in milk, but eventually stopped because my adult body is not that fond of digesting milk. I eat crazy amounts of cheese though, but the well cured one that are low on lactose.
I always drink plenty of Malk, I don’t know why my bones are so brittle
other than a couple of weirdos, who is actually out there drinking raw milk?
Not trying to defend drinking raw milk but things do taste different at different temperatures.
Tuberculosis has entered the chat.
And Campylobacter, Cryptosporidium, E. coli, Listeria, Brucella, Salmonella… It’s the Macy’s parade equivalent of preventable diseases by UHT and y’all been invited!
On the other hand, unrefrigerated raw milk is a fantastic way of meeting who’s who of the bacterial world.
But it’s natural! And natural always means it’s good for you, because I’m scared of chemicals despite not knowing what a chemical is because I can’t pronounce their names!
Exactly, Salmonella can be on its own a great way to boost your defenses*.
*If you survive it.