Why don’t they list MeidasTouch in the headline?
Better title: “Pro-America podcast MeidasTouch dethrones shitty pro-donvict podcast in the charts”
Eeeeh. I can’t be the only one who won’t touch something described as “pro-America” with a ten foot pole.
I will say, before the election, i was watching them pretty hard. I dropped it for my own mental health after the election though. I wasn’t a huge fan of Ben Meiselas because he became more and more sensational but I really liked Michael Popoks legal commentary. I felt like Ben started shading into the tone and repetition patterns of the far right podcasters but either way, they both always had their facts straight and everything they said and predicted was backed by evidence and legal experience. Popok is a smart fuckin dude though.
Also, I’d say they’re “pro democracy” as that’s the line they always pushed unless it changed after the election.
If you want to ease into it just check out Popoks stuff as it’s way more objective. I learned so much about the legal/judicial system from him and it was all validated by other sources.
Agree popok is the juice on that channel. Agnifilo used to be there a lot too
I’m still subscribed but otherwise I share your thoughts exactly. Is also how I heard of the gal defending Luigi, I really enjoyed her stuff with Popok. I still feel like I can’t get back into any of it anymore though. Like what does it matter if everything they say is factually accurate if at the end of the day the law doesn’t matter and facts don’t seem to matter.
newsweek.com, a known right wing source, thats why.
Just listened a bit. These guys deep dive quite a bit, but I hope that this bump is from people who are previous Trump voters that now realize how fucked they are by Trump and get angry.
He’s created that in large part because of the media environment around him. Many republicans were upset and outraged on Jan 6th until they heard the fox news, rogan, etc line
Change the media consumption and a lot will follow from there. Changes to which media are more dominate are going to matter more than people think
Do they actually do interviews with experts? Or is it just two dudes pretending to be experts and presenting (mis)information
Less than a month into the new administration, the rise of the left-leaning MeidasTouch to become the country’s most popular podcast indicates a potential shift in tone currently resonating with Americans.
Is it actually Leftist or is it liberal? I’d welcome a number one Leftist show, but I don’t think most USA citizens are politically literate enough to know the difference. We’ve been brainwashed by decades of propaganda to think liberalism is synonymous with Leftist.
They self identify as progressive and it seems that they are, so definitely not liberals. I stopped clicking Brian Tyler Cohen videos though because he does clickbait bullshit like “trump gets NIGHTMARE legal news” or “trump campaign SUNK” and it ends up being some legal bullshit they have to re-file because they messed it up the first time, or something stupid like that. Seriously just scroll through his shorts. It’s awful.
Soft clickbait I don’t mind, but BTC’s titles are “the sky is falling” levels of bullshit. I didn’t even block his videos, I just stopped clicking and they completely fell out of my feed.
It’s a shame because it’s not bad content, I’m just sick of clicking a video expecting some big news involving actual consequences for terrible people, only to be told they will get away with a finger wag at worst.
leftist, almost always comes from right wing sources. in the usa there isnt a true political left.
They specifically said “left-leaning” to stop people like you from asking stupid questions like that. Stop gatekeeping anti-fascism.
I don’t think you’re as familiar with the meaning of terms as you think. Some people call the NYT left-leaning. They absolutely are not. They are a liberal publication and that has a different meaning.
This is what I meant when I said USA citizens have been corrupted by decades of propaganda. Conservative idiots genuinely believe socialism is about making people eat bugs as opposed to helping people out and doing things for their betterment. And liberals genuinely believe that they are Leftists. But go ahead and call my question stupid.
If “leftists” oppose the definition of liberalism then they’re not leftists.
Wow, I didn’t think I’d have need to copy / paste a post from thirty seconds ago!
I don’t think you’re as familiar with the meaning of terms as you think. Some people call the NYT left-leaning. They absolutely are not. They are a liberal publication and that has a different meaning.
This is what I meant when I said USA citizens have been corrupted by decades of propaganda. Conservative idiots genuinely believe socialism is about making people eat bugs as opposed to helping people out and doing things for their betterment. And liberals genuinely believe that they are Leftists.
Ooooh those propogandists promoting sinister ideologies such as…
civil rights and protections against discrimination on basis of race, ethnicity, gender, disability, etc…
Can you explain what you mean by this? I don’t see how recognizing the ideological difference between leftism & liberalism makes someone not a leftist… they differ pretty strongly on their central economic thesis, which is sort of a big deal given how influential the economy is in… like literally every area of our society & political systems…
The definition of liberalism is that a person believes in the enshrinement of basic human rights, equality, and equity such that a state or government body cannot infringe upon those rights unless its inaction would be a detriment to the rights of others.
People who oppose liberalism generally conflate liberalism with capitalism and capitalism with western nations. Basically, if you oppose liberals you’re just a piece of shit.
We need to start calling ourselves something else. Liberal and Leftist isn’t doing us any favors and is keeping people alienated from messages that may otherwise reach them. Maybe Centrists?? The labels are keeping us divided, but Centrist is like saying you are a rational human, and I think many people consider themselves to be that. Need to have a more unifying “label”.
This will only lead to the workers’ cause being diluted. Leftism is socialism. It is anti capitalism. It is named in opposition to the right wing deliberately. The dichotomy exists for a reason. Our enemies are capitalists. They are the ruling class. Diluting our cause achieves nothing but losing revolutionary momentum.
We need louder leftist voices. We need the messaging to get as far and wide as possible. The far right has been winning at this. They own the tech companies, the social media giants, they run the algorithms. We need to push people further and further off of those platforms and amplify leftist voices as loud as we can. We need more propaganda. We need more organization.
Can you imagine if every time someone pointed out the difference between Democrats & Republicans, we had to sit through endless comments of people speaking up to say things like “don’t gatekeep fascism, mom!!” or “not this moneybear twisted logic!!”?
Liberalism and Leftism broadly disagree on their respective core economic tenants. They’re ideologically further apart than Democrats and Republicans. And yet, you struggle to comprehend them as distinct entities without getting upset and triggered… if you seriously consider it divisive to understand that diversity of opinion on the left is good and a sign of a healthy democracy, I don’t know what to tell you.
You need to take a good long hard look at what you’re promoting here. Not everybody needs to think the same or adhere to exactly the same ideology in order to be deserving of respect and work together with others for common causes. We don’t need everyone to be grouped under one label for collective action and agreeable democratic reforms to take place. In fact, it’s important that we aren’t grouped that way… it’s detrimental to us all regardless of whether you’re liberal or left.
How are you sure that you haven’t bee brain washed?
The left-right spectrum is a construct. It doesn’t line up at all with reality. In reality, tribalism is 90% of politics. Most people vote the way their parents do. Some rebellious types don’t, and instead just conform to whatever their peer group thinks on political matters. Ideology is a post-facto rationalization for all of this.
Currently the “leftist” tribe is becoming more and more into alignment with the fascist tribe. You both show a common disdain for those in the opposition “liberal” tribe after all. And that’s what really matters in all of this mess. Leftists have joined fascist movements in the past, they just come up with rationalizations (which they have a lot of practice with) for why that’s the ideologically correct thing to do.
Only if by “generally center-right” you mean solely in comparison to European concepts of right/left. Most of the world is still vaguely authoritarian and right leaning.
Right now there’s only fascists and those that oppose them. Kicking those opposed to fascism just after they were kicked to the ground by the electorate puts you on which side of things?
Fascism is very specifically a right wing ideology. You’re thinking of authoritarianism, which can go both ways. There is no such thing as lefty fascism.
Red fascism has been an accusation that’s been leveled by real socialists at authoritarian socialists for a century. The only problem with the term is that liberals don’t actually know what it means or how important the red part is and start harping on about horseshoes (all while ignoring all the fascism and genocide they themselves support out of convienence)
Yeah there’s some of the rationalization I’m talking about. There’s not a lot of daylight between the politics of the US and China right now. Both have authoritarian leaders that push a narrative about the need for a strongman to run the economy and protect their respective countries from the evil foreigners. Both want to expand their territory. Putin is the same, of course.
Fascism is just a scam to make people accept having an authoritarian leadership. There’s common tropes they use in their propaganda to emotionally manipulate people into supporting it. Glorious past, evil foreigners took things from us, we need a strong man (and it has to be a man because misogyny is a big part of it) to make things right. It’s all bullshit no matter where you put it on your precious spectrum. But it’s bullshit that works. And when it does work all that matters is what you do to oppose it. How you categorize it means jack shit.
“We’re all just cavemen throwing spears at the other village” is not a tremendously helpful or thought-provoking insight, no matter how much truth there is to it.
Government policy is definitely not some illusory construct no matter how poorly the public comprehends or interacts with it.
When someone is throwing a spear at you how much time do you devote to trying to categorize what ideology they’re in?
When fascism enters the picture there’s only three groups of people. Those that support it, those that oppose it, and those that do nothing. Which of these three groups are you in?
And yet again.
I don’t think you’re as familiar with the meaning of terms as you think. Some people call the NYT left-leaning. They absolutely are not. They are a liberal publication and that has a different meaning.
This is what I meant when I said USA citizens have been corrupted by decades of propaganda. Conservative idiots genuinely believe socialism is about making people eat bugs as opposed to helping people out and doing things for their betterment. And liberals genuinely believe that they are Leftists.
And yet again, you’re obsessed with meaningless categorization that has no basis in reality. You’ve been conditioned into doing this as a way to show loyalty to your particular tribe. It’s just a vain effort to prove you’re tribe is smarter and therefore superior to the other tribes.
The real smart thing to do is to recognize the threat to everyone else one particular tribe has become. And work with everyone else to oppose it. But your caveman brain has become to accustomed towards throwing rocks at a particular tribe you’ll just go on doing it when after they’ve been beaten down to the ground while the real threat gets ready to take you down.
This obsessive need to categorize politics to know who is in your tribe so you know whether to agree with them isn’t actually all that smart.
According to Podscribe.
Which collects data from more than the single-source Spotify.
For me it’s the recent percentage in increased subscribers. Is Ben Shapiro better/worse than Rogan? Isn’t he branded as a more “intellectual” to those who listen to both? F.
By having a black female, the right can point to a single source when accused of being either racist or misogynist. No longer do they need to remember two separate podcasts to affirm they are neither racist nor misogynistic. That leaves them much more time to beat off to JRE and his clones and lesser offspring.
Podcasts are thinking for people who can’t read.
I’m making a rather cruel joke, but I do find some friends who struggle (lazy / busy, I’m not sure why) to read a news article I might share with them and, who will share with me some 20 sec Instagram clip with the words flashing up with Peterson or Rogan “slamming”, “owning”, “destroying” the libs. A quick Google usually dispels the quote or shows that the subject is not so simple.
I should also add I do listen to podcasts and radio and there’s nothing wrong with both.
I’m these people. Probably read like 7 books in my life but dozens of audio books 🤣. I get distracted while reading a book. Can crush audio books when I’m cleaning or driving though.
Bias fucking bullshit. Why is Joe Rogan named and not the podcast that usurped him? Media fucking blows
They name it in the first sentence, and at least for me, given it’s longevity and word of mouth I know what Joe Rogan implies, but if you said “MeidasTouch” in the headline, I’d have no idea the implication of that shift, since I haven’t listened to either of the two.
If they just put the name I would have no idea who they are. Writing the full name plus “,an anti-Trump podcast” would be a really long title with extra info they get in the first sentence.
Wanting to stop at the headline is a bad habit. Just click the article and complain if the name isn’t right there.
Wdym? It literally says the podcast name is “The MeidasTouch Podcast” in the first sentence.