Donald Trump sharply criticized Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, calling him a “dictator” and accusing him of corruption, aligning his rhetoric with Russia’s stance.
His remarks followed a phone call with Vladimir Putin and reflect his long-standing skepticism of US support for Ukraine.
Trump’s “America First” policy prioritizes reducing aid to Kyiv while shifting focus to China.
While some Republicans voiced concerns, Trump is wielding total authority over his party.
Absolutely fucking disgusting. This idiot has basically destroyed western geopolitics in a matter of weeks.
It’s almost as if we should require IQ testing for candidates. And you know, maybe don’t let felon rapists run for office.
It’s almost as if we should require IQ testing for candidates.
Look, I get your sentiment, but we’ve been over this sort of thing. If we let that happen, this is the sort of shit that the fascists would implement (and put themselves in charge of scoring, which would certainly result in their allies passing and everyone else failing):
That is an outrageous test, there are like 5 questions that could be construed in multiple ways. Hopefully you don’t lose points for explaining your reasoning…
The most amazing(ly vile) one is using the tendency of our minds to skip over “the the” as if it’s an IQ test.
Well that and the whole idea of using this stupid collection of badly worded instructions to “determine” a human’s worthiness.
“Determine” with the assistance of that family guy “OKAY / NOT OKAY” card.
This deranged man will start WW3.
I’m increasingly convinced that that’s his ultimate goal. Or maybe Putin’s ultimate goal and Trump is just being used as a puppet.
putin’s ultimate goal is to rebuild old USSR borders and control the whole Europe and Asia, he is not hiding it.
trump doesn’t seem to have a problem with that and whatever he is getting from putin in return he thinks it is worth it.
Meanwhile musk, Vance and others are trying convert US into technofeudalism[1] and eventually get rid of trump one they succeed (trump likely was convinced by them that it is for his own benefit).
[1] this is what Bannon is upset about
Yes, it’s mostly Putins goal, he knows the US will be too busy internally/incompetent to mean anything on a world stage so Russia takes the lead.
Musk is a firm believer of being part of the destruction of the world and desires to be on the forefront of reshaping it… For him it’s all good 'till the restructuring begins.
So the path to world war has been firmly set in motion:
Trump fully destroys the US’ international influence by dismantling the NATO and UN memberships, closing bases on foreign soil and discarding its external intelligence machine.
Ukraine will not want to be conquered and can make its own nukes, will be a huge pain for Russia.
Russia will attempt to take back eastern Europe, first through (political)chaos then by force, like it has done times and times again in the past.
Iran will see the US kneeling before Russia and openly attacks Israel with all it has, the US will try to call on the Arab states to intervene, but it would be in the name of Israel which… yeah is a bit awkward…
India and Japan will declare neutrality, Japan closes itself off from the world as in the olden days, and India has a few worms to pick with Pakistan…
Afrika is a tribal bloodbath on it’s own and no party in this.
China will feel legitimized in taking Taiwan and perhaps all of Korea, which destroys the Wests supply of silicon. Causing a tipping point into all out war over the whole globe…
Chump wants his name on something. Anything.
A geographical “monument” to him. Something that says forever “Chump was here and did that”.
Started with buildings, moved to a border wall, then Rushmore, and now he’s looking on a global scale… Panama, Greenland, Gulf, etc.
And he’s willing to give/do anything to get it. Likely including WW3. That’d be something to point to.
Also why he’s aligning with Putain’s goal to recreate USSR, and Xi’s goal of absorbing Taiwan. Makes the Little Toddler Idiot feel like he has influence on a global scale that will be viewed with awe by all who gaze upon it in perpetuity.
Much more likely those viewers will point to any such changes with absolute derision and laughter.
I know I will.
It is almost like Trump is Putin’s puppet.
If there are any generals in the US that are still loyal to the people and their oaths they took to defend our country from enemy’s both foreign and domestic, now is the time.
now is the time.
They’re not going to do anything until the public starts it. The Military isn’t going to swoop in and save The civvies from the inconvenience. Civillians are going to have to start it, then, they back us, if they will. That’s the time.
The military has to be called in to gun us down and refuse.
We took an oath to defend The Constitution from all threats both foreign and domestic.
The U.S. is rapidly turning into Russia, so it makes sense that we should start sounding like them.