For a group of men in a Texas prison, the fantasy game became a lifeline — to their imaginations, and to one another.
Other country, other culture, other laws. Death penalty for fuck sack. It’s not even part of the world we built with my groups. For example, we refuse to True Dreath a Mathusalem (Altered Carbon).
I understand that it is a country with a history, people, … but I hate it so much when I see this creepy reality they live in like it’s just normal and it’s not even something to discuss and just accept. It feels like the Batarians (Mass effect) who want to have slavery recognized as a cultural thing. I know you are not slavers, I know it’s in the past now (of Europe too), that’s not what I mean: I use this to show how crazy this mindset is for some readers like me.
I bet the combat encounters are real as hell
Boy, that’s hard to read. Hearing of that level of isolation and torture feels like reading that the government has a Department of Canine Abuse that just keeps pens off scared puppies that it hits with golf clubs every day. You know: to protect our freedoms or something.
Jesus, these people aren’t scared puppies. Do they deserve to be tortured? No. They are not scared puppies. 100% of death row inmates are not somehow wrongfully there.
What the actual fuck is this message?
My point is that the suffering is wildly unnecessary. It’s not a statement endorsing their life choices.
These notions aren’t wild. Christians have been asserting that everyone is of the same worth in god’s eyes for 2000 years, and the folks who founded the United States went out of their way to ban punishments that were cruel in the 8th amendment to the bill of rights. I’m just saying that hearing anyone could be legally locked in a room for weeks at a time feels about as deranged as animal abuse. It’s just nuts, Our reaction shouldn’t depend in any way on what the targets of torture did beforehand.
100% of death row inmates are not somehow wrongfully there.
I think your particular choice of verbiage here tells you a big part of the reason people are reacting this way.
Innocent people can and do wind up on death row. So chances are good that somewhere in the country, a completely innocent human being is being subjected to all the horrors you just read about (assuming you read it at all).
Personally, I don’t think a civilized society should ever be subjecting people on death row to such inhumane treatment, innocent or guilty. They’re already facing the worst possible punishment a human being can, what additional benefit is gained by making them suffer needlessly in the interim? So you can get a justice boner at the thought that they’re miserable and you’re safe and comfy?
Bet THEY don’t no-call no-show for a session.