I was using Obsidian for a while, but actually switched when I found an awesome open source alternative, SilverBullet. The best comparison would be “Obsidian but for tinkerers/hackers”.
Data is stored plaintext the same as obsidian - I actually just copy pasted my vault and it worked with exception of wikilinks being absolute paths only - and haven’t looked back
The only downside is that its in early stages of development, but definitely usable
I like Silverbullet, but I could never get the file tree to work well. Any tips? Or is that not a feature you use?
I have an “index” page where I link important pages and files. When I want to move them I rename them. If I do bulk data changes I SSH to my server and move the files in an old fashioned way. Personally I have not tried the filetree plugin, since I did not have the need for it - and probably the author of the project aswell.
Excellent news ! Excellent note taking applications with its ecosystem of extensions.
Excellent news for myself. I’ve wanted to use this at work but it’s hard enough to convince people to use it without asking for money.
I wanted to go all in on Obsidian, but in the end I went with “Upnote” which has an easy UI and a lifetime price. (No monthly fees). It’s like a mix of Evernote and OneNote. The Slash commands are so cool too.
Dynalist is where it’s at.