As a bisexual you’re welcome I guess
And how many americans now identify as nazis? Asking for the entire world…
~10% of Americans are LGBTQ+. ~22.6% of the US population voted for Trump in the most recent election.
that figure must be of the overall population.
63.7% overall voter turnout nationwide in 2024.
five states with the highest turnout were:
Minnesota (76.4%), Wisconsin (76.40%), Michigan (74.7%), New Hampshire (74.4%), and Colorado (73.1%).
2020 was the highest nationwide at 66.6%.
more numbers at ballotpedia
And tens of millions of americans just didn’t care enough to vote. That was basically saying they are fine with a pedo-rapist who previously attack the captitol win the election. Nazi-enablers.
I could have sworn I read somewhere that it’s likely 10% anyway, like 20 years ago. That was the scientific estimate of the time, although I don’t though it included the same definition.
That was an estimate. Around that time only about 2-4% identified as gay but it was estimated the real number was higher because homophobia kept most people in the closet.
i vaguely remember a health teacher in jr or sr high saying something like that (this would be back in the '80s)… “about 10 percent, that’s the same as at least three of your classmates…” (in that class)…
and then the students kinda all looked around, eyeballin’ everybody… as if they were counting… yup. checks out. one of them blurted out “that’s kinda low, don’cha think?” --this bit is why i remember the class. and she was right. it was low.
Thanks for saying this. There’s literally a gay sex shop called One in Ten in my city, for this reason, that’s been around forever.
1-in-10 has been the stat for decades.
Who could have guessed a significant portion of the population wouldn’t magically find their attraction to people exclusively split along a very specific line of biological and social characteristics in over 99% of cases? What a shocking revelation that maybe a lot of people just like who they like regardless of gender or sex.
Personally, I expect to see this number of people outwardly identifying as bi significantly rise as time goes on.