Totally not an ominous or fucked up to say when blue states are absolutely recoiling in horror at the fucking disgrace of a president he is /s
Yeah, not happening. Get ready for Civil War part deux.
MAGA against who exactly? There don’t seem to be many high ranking Democrats willing to call out Trump on his bullshit, and none willing or capable of leading an actual separatist movement or insurrection. They’re actually even more subdued and helpless than they were in 2017.
I’d love to be wrong but I’m calling it now; when (blue) “states’ rights” get de facto dissolved and/or their midterm elections are obviously rigged, they will buckle silently and proceed with a Peaceful Transition Of Power™. Maybe their attorneys will send a Strongly Worded Letter to the Trump-appointed federal judges in charge of their case, but that’s about all the political violence the American Left has an appetite for.
States being stripped of their independence is exactly what happened to Germany in the '30s and I don’t see why the U.S. would suddenly deviate from the script. Your country is way too morally bankrupt to even entertain the idea of a popular uprising.
Red states are so woke they take more money from the fed than they give! Buncha socialists if you ask me!
That’s the point, always.
When it comes to displays of hypocrisy, it’s a show of power. I get to do this, you don’t. It’s on purpose to show you that they’re in control and they get to do things you don’t even though you’re actually following rules and decorum. They don’t have to and they want you to know it. “Hypocrite” is not an insult to them, it just means they’ve shown you their power and are happy to be called such.
It’s just like with bosses and workers. Workers do all the real labor that makes a business function, but the bosses take all the winnings. Bezos can’t deliver all those packages or roll out all those AWS servers on his own, but he gets to brutalize his employees and basically do fuck all not working because the real people who don’t actually want to fucking work are the wealthy.
He must be stopped
So he’s planning to rig the mid term elections.
Yeah way more likely he’s going to use mass protests as a pretext for Martial Law and canceling elections indefinitely.
Tinfoil hat time, but im more concerned that some kind of false flag would happen on a boarder city. Kill a lot of people, blame it on migrants, close the border, declare martial law, cancel elections.
Maybe, but I think it’s more likely they’ll want some pretense of legitimacy and rig them instead of cancelling them altogether.
It has been for years, especially if all this info about the extremely insecure voting machines, starlink, ballot manipulating code, stingrays, etc is true, which it seems to be.
I cannot for the life of me understand why none of the dems in power are talking about this election being fixed. Other countries have spoken up about the same thing happening to them. At least one has demanded new elections. There seems to be plenty of evidence that this happened in the U.S., so why would they refuse to acknowledge it? Do they think people won’t believe them? They keep trying to play by rules that conservatives have long since abandoned. I just don’t understand anything anymore.
Same as all the elections since Republicans stole the 2000 election. Voters suppression and misinformation propaganda have kept them in the spotlight.
I am confident that this most recent election was rigged simply based on how nothing has been reported on invetigations of the areas where the election deniers were running the show and Republicans are constantly projecting their worst behavior. The fact that they claim prior elections were stolen is a solid sign they were planning on stealing one and this would be the one because it aligns with Project 2025.
They will absolutely be leaning into more voter suppression and will be emboldened to alter the actual vote counts themselves to make it look like their voting ratio is even higher.
I also strongly believe that the last election was rigged, and am worried that no one really seems to be looking into it. Between Trump’s own claims that he would win no matter what and Elon “It’s just one line of code” Musk there is enough to be concerned with. Most likely, I think they simply didn’t count a bunch of Dem votes.