Have I been mis-prouncing it this whole time? English is not my first language I am French. I am talking about Oligarchy
Isn’t oligarchy a loan word from the French language? Or like, if not a loan word I’m sure it at least has French etymology
oh, it’s garlicky
Have you never heard of an accent before?
No I haven’t. Up until I read these replies on Lenny I had no idea it was a thing. TIL
You are correct. It is le garky not la garky. But Bernie does not follow the norms of gendered language.
The second vowel is an unstressed “i”. In most varieties of English, since it is unstressed, we pronounce it as a schwa, which sounds roughly like “uh”.
If you’d like to articulate that syllable, like you might do in French, then pronounce it like the “i” in “sit”. That’s completely optional.