My wife, a vet tech, has a hospital patient named “Stephanie.” It’s a dog. We’re both grossed out by this name. What are some others?
My 13 y/o cat is named Sarah, she’s a sweetie and the name fits her. Though super long names for pets are odd to me
Old picture, but have some cat tax
Adolf, Lenin, SweeyPussy, Dessert.
Well, years and years ago, my neighbor had a little black-furred mutt.
Wanna guess its name? It rhymes with bigger.
Now, you wanna hear the hilarious part? My neighbor was African American. She named it that because, “ain’t like white folk don’t call black dogs that, at least she’ll know to come when someone says it, and she can bite their ass.”
Miss Margaret was awesome.
look up what h.p. lovecraft named his cat