No. The proper term is GEEK. Needs are uncoordinated, awkward, have no fashion sense, and occasionally tape their broken glasses (or say sheepishly, “did I do that?”)
Geeks have in-depth, we’ll researched knowledge on topics that are obscure to the “mundanes”, have intellectual curiosity, and sometimes gain in wealth as a result. In many cases, they tend to make non-geeks (and geeks for other topics) completely befuddled. This sometimes results in insecurity on the part of non-geeks, which negatively impacts their social lives. On rare occasions, such geeks are so over the top smart that they transcend such petty attitudes (see: Neil deGrasse Tyson)
If you’re programming in assembly, regardless of what it is, you are the biggest nerd of them all. And I have massive fucking respect for you.
What is HTML doing here? Blasphemy!
I am not in this chart because my favourite programming languages are too nerdy for the cool programming nerds to include in their nerd chart.
Same here.
VHDL represent. Although it’s arguably not a “programming language”
A ton of people. Anything aerospace, DoD, Space, or critical infrastructure. All those industries have to use VHDL to support legacy products from the 80s and 90s. At that point everyone is like, “Sure its 2025, by why switch to SystemVerilog? We already know VHDL.” and thus you got a whole army of engineers making next gen satellites, augmented reality headsets, etc. …… in VHDL 93.
Javascript should say “you are a masochist and a nerd”
Who thought of that and how have they managed to sustain their core bodily functions this long?