None of us should have to endure this
I hate to be rude, but she kinda deserves what she gets…
You may hate to be rude but I don’t. What’s happening to them is exactly what they voted for and praised. What’s happening to them is exactly what they were told would happen to them if things went this direction.
I do not pity the person who voted for the leopard eating faces party and becomes a face that gets eaten.
It sucks for the ones who didn’t vote that way. But, seriously… The writing was on the wall.
“I believe in what you are doing” i.e. Firing people
“None of us deserve this” no, you deserve to be fired because you can’t fuckin’ read. It’s a clown show.
If you voted for Trump three times, then you are the rotten fruit.
“You’re hurting the wrong people!”
No worries, her husband’s Social Security Disability Income will be up for elimination next.
I know a few people in the states. They depend on both social security and medicade (or medicare. I always get those confused. Give me a break. I’m Canadian.) The voted for Trump mostly because of woke-something-something.
I’m not going to lie. If they end up without their government funds keeping them going, it will be pretty satisfying.
As for the other people who didn’t vote for Trump, or didn’t vote, my sympathy is pretty low. It was no mystery what Trump was after the first run and no mystery what Project 2025 was planning. It should have been a landslide against him but not enough people cared I guess.
I think this entire thing is an apathy wake up call. If we want things to be good and stay good, we have to work at it all the time.