What kind of world are the Orange and his puppet master billionaires building?
Are we headed for slavery, extinction, the matrix or some other post apocalyptic future?
How do these despots think that food arrives?
At the moment it seems they’re hell bent on global destruction.
The end game is a cyberpunk-esque corporate controlled future. No government, only companies/the owning class deciding what’s happening. Yes, slavery essentially, because people have to work for them to survive, but that’s already done. No “less work” savings because of rising productivity, only more and more money/power centralized in them.
No, just blowing up somewhere quiet that won’t do too much damage, but I did think about it, and it’s unrealistic. I just want a plan B for when things become intolerable. I won’t be a slave.
The government is the only one stopping me from buying a small patch of woodland and building a cabin there to live in. Get rid of that and suddenly I no longer have a reason to work more than a handful of hours a month.
It is illegal to do so. You cannot live on your own land for more than 28 days of the year unless they give you permission to live on it. Which of course a house comes with that permission, a patch of woodland does not.
Indeed. But does it really matter who sells who which area of land, with all the people and other natural resources contained within the area, if it just leads to a future where the rich stay rich, the people (of the areas) stay poor, and the bombings never cease?
As to the question: a desolate, corporation-owned and capitalistically-ran dystopian hellscape apparently?
This is so ridiculous. It is literally impossible for the US to become a vassal state of Russia. The USA spends, in aggregate over all states, TWICE AS MUCH ON ITS DOMESTIC POLICE AS RUSSIA SPENDS ON ITS ENTIRE MILITARY INCLUDING NUKES.
It is literally impossible. You are falling for children’s story about the bad people over there.
Trump is a Russian agent and the Kremlin dictates U.S. policy. It’s already happened.
That’s utterly ridiculous, see my reply here: https://lemmygrad.ml/post/7141540/6029073
Essentially, Trump doesn’t have that kind of power. I don’t mean legally, I mean socially. The business community in the USA is organized well enough to take out presidents. Let’s not forget that as early as the 1930s there was consciousness among veterans that the military was used to further business interests. Let’s not forget that the CIA was founded by the Dulles brothers to advance US business interests abroad. Let’s not forget that when FDR was trying to implement the New Deal the rich of the USA organized a criminal conspiracy to coup the US and install a dictator.
Let’s also not forget that the US military intelligence community has been organized against Russia for the last 80 years. Everything it does is informed by it’s early foundations as an anti-Russia movement. They know more about Russia than Russia knows about the USA. US military intelligence also didn’t suffer a complete and utter rupture like Russia’s did when the USSR was dismantled. The USA got access Russian internal documents during that time, the Russia received no such boon to its intelligence.
In short, the USA is the more powerful of the two countries by every single measure, and both countries are fully aware of this. Not only that, but the elite of the USA are capable of stopping any Russian agent from slowing down their gravy train. They were willing to coup FDR just for helping the working class. There’s no way the Russophobes in power in the USA would allow a Russian agent to take the reigns. They’ve had AMPLE opportunities to neutralize the threat. They’ve done so much killing, so much maiming, so much disappearing for much smaller stakes. Why do you think know that the stakes are the highest they could be they just won’t do anything about it?
Further, the billionaires have every reason NOT to become a vassal state of Russia. It affords them absolutely no benefit and makes things far far worse for them. The USA has a strong currency, stronger economy, more money, greater access to markets, better trading terms, more military power, more global domination, more tax revenue, more colonies, more slave laborers, essentially more of everything (except the ability to produce effective weapons, I guess). No power bloc in America benefits from subjugating themselves to Russia.
No. The real answer is just too emotionally difficult for you. You’ve grown up in a Russophobic culture. We played video games where they replaced the Germans with Russians as the primary enemy. We’ve been socialized to believe Russia is terribad and dank evil. But the geopolitical situation is not good for the USA and the camp that believed they could defeat both Russia and China has been shown to be incorrect. So now, the situation is that the USA needs an alliance with Russia in the hopes of peeling Russia out of BRICS, away from its alliance with China, and eventually have Russia’s support in fighting against China. So Trump is the figurehead put in place to shift American policy towards an alliance with Russia.
And you and every other American, with so much indoctrinated Russophobia, can’t imagine that the same people who told you Russia was evil are now seeking an alliance with Russia. The only way you can square that circle is to believe Trump is some “great man” who can single-handedly overcome the most powerful institutions in the history of world because a bunch of overtly racist morons voted the wrong way.
You’re going to have to face the reality that the US government’s policy regarding Russia has changed and that, like all presidents since WW2, Trump is the outward face of that policy.
Oh I do. The USA is a country that has Russophobia built into its institutions and social fabric, that has a spy network that has been operating continuously since it was formed post WW2, that controls more money, more arms, and more territory than any other country. It has assassinated more people, overthrown more governments, dropped more bombs, and killed more people than any country in the world since WW2. It has the most powerful companies, the most powerful billionaires, the most billionaires, the most billionaire-friendly laws and politicians. It has the world’s reserve currency that every other country has needed to obtain in order to buy oil. It has destroyed entire countries for trying to prosper outside of its rules. It regularly imprisons or kills anyone that would threaten it even a little bit.
There is quite literally no path by which Russia could make the USA a vassal state. Russia has nothing to offer the USA billionaires, Russia’s military and military intelligence had to be reorganized 30 years ago after the USSR was dismantled. Russia doesn’t have the continuity that the USA does. It does have the money, it military, the resources, or the influence to make the USA a vassal state. The anti-russia CIA has had plenty of opportunities to put their thumb on the scale with Trump. They have not. Trump cannot get richer by becoming a vassal to Russia. But even if he could, there are far more billionaires running this country that would not benefit from becoming a vassal. And yet, there’s not one of the powerful people trying to stop him.
The business plot in the USA shows just how organized and powerful the rich can be. They organized and were planning a coup in the USA so they could become more like fascist Germany, not to become a vassal, but to organize society to their benefit and ally with Germany.
You think billionaires would cheer on the USA becoming a vassal to a smaller, weaker state?
Russia can offer nothing, Russia’s intelligence cannot overcome the CIA domestically, and the USA is the best place for the rich and powerful to be.
It is literally impossible for the USA to become a vassal of Russia
WW3 is coming. It is the solution to climate change that does not alter the oligarchy; it is a population problem from their point of view. No need to fix pollution or the environment if there are less than 1 billion humans on Earth. That buys at least another century of business as usual. This is the obvious solution for anyone without ethics to arrive at. If you do not have hundreds of millions of dollars now, you will be eliminated one way or another in the coming conflict. Wars have always been the primary form of population control in feudal societies. Thus the emergence of neo feudalism. You must have no access, communication, ownership, or rights so that you can be forced into the death grinder.
Nah, that population thing doesn’t seem to add up to me, otherwise they wouldn’t have done everything they have to ban women’s reproductive rights and right to abortion…
That is a control issue. They target groups they wish to control (e.g. Conservative Christians) and they tackle one of their major issues/needs to get the group into their pocket. CC want to oppression women, destroy minorities and LGBTQ. So the billionaires fund all this hateful shit to get CC to vote and support who the billionaires want in power. That is why the Orange one is president, he is an easily controlled idiot who handed over the keys to Mr Swastikar.
Abortion keeps people poor and far more exploitable. There is nothing more expensive than being poor.
Humans are only a resource to those with no ethics. When there are too many of a living resource causing damage to an environment, one culls the population. One does not shape the environment to ethical concerns about the lives unlucky enough to be within that population.
Populists have always been the most dangerous humans that have ever existed.
I’m no expert. I hope I am wrong. I break molds. I think for myself. I put pieces together when, in practice, others do not. I want to know and expect the worst case scenario. My abstract thinking and curiosity takes me on many tangential paths to similar conclusions and often right answers. I hope I am wrong, but I do not think so. Peaceful times in history are an exception and not the rule. Drones have massively reduced the cost of killing in the last 2 years. We are on the cusp of autonomous armies instead of infantry. If one is willing to accept unlimited civilian and friendly fire casualties, we are already at that point. The USA has invalidated international law and undermined any legitimacy by blocking any appointments of judiciaries. Africa is a powderkeg of conflicts from Morocco to most of the sub Saharan region to Ethiopia. Rwanda is leveraging participation in the UN to invade the Congo. Venezuela is likely to attack Guiana for oil. Türkiye is likely to attack Cyprus. China is going to take Taiwan by 2030. North Korea has taken unprecedented steps to break off ties with the West and SK, openly stating its intentions to attack SK. Iran has had all of its proxies rendered useless and a more direct approach to conflict is likely.
Meanwhile, the USA, Europe, and Japan have declining and aging populations. All also have terrible industrial capacity and nonexistent local resource acquisition. There is no chance that the USA is ramping up a large military force in a hurry like in WW2. Right now, if TSMC and Samsung are stuffed from an attack in Taiwan and South Korea at the same time, all we have left on the cutting edge is Intel and they are in terrible shape right now and largely relying on TSMC for the cutting edge stuff. If all of the fronts open at once, the West cannot cover all of them, and that leads to the inevitable WW3 scenario.
Of all the countries in the world of today. I expect Russia and Israel to be clever with intelligence. They have proven themselves more capable than most on many occasions. I think Putin is ramping up production like an underdog getting extra ready for a fight. I think China is pulling most of the strings and doing so to gain Taiwan and end its civil war. I also think Israel secretly knew about Oct 7th and wanted an excuse to annex Gaza and eventually the West Bank. If they know WW3 is coming, both the combat experience and the fortification of more defensible boarders are strategic. The extent that Iranian proxies were neutralized and civilians targeted were no balanced response. Those point at calculated strategy. Israel is also like a US weapons R&D lab of sorts and has been proving and improving AI tech in the conflict. I think they are using a primitive excuse for an AGI to pick targets and shape narratives in the media both in stories and what amounts to assassinations of the press.
Then there is the ultimate factor. The whole reason why the world shifted from military driven economics to venture capital is because silicon promised and delivered growth faster than military spending could match. Shockley proposed this all the way back in the late 1950’s. That is over now. The exponential growth of silicon is effectively stalled. Without a new industry capable of growth that is substantially larger than what the largest militaries are capable of spending, the world must return to an era of military driven economies that have been the rule for most of recorded history. These economies use their militaries to justify their existence and to press advantages before they disappear. The end of the age of silicon based venture capital should coincide with a return to the ways of the past, and indeed that is what we are seeing early signs of happening. There is no effective replacement for silicon in the works. Technically, the next major age of tech will be biological, but we are likely a couple of centuries away from a solid understanding of biology as a true engineering field where something like a brain can be synthesized as a deterministic Turing complete computer on par with a current generation CPU.
Again, I hope I am wrong, but there are many levels of abstraction with pieces lining up indicating that I am not wrong in understanding the worst but likely potential outcome. I expect that, if population control is the underlying main objective, the conflict will be large scale nuclear. It is probably the last chance for them to be super effective anyways. Once automated robotic infantry is possible, goals and warfare change drastically.
I don’t see how you can possibly be certain about this. The push to fight abortion rights and the constant bitching about how people aren’t having enough babies to maintain the workforce undermines this theory.
Unless you’re completely convinced that this is the future and the reason for it, I’d strongly suggest against stating it so certainly on the internet. Asking a question about it or stating it as a possibility given certain factors makes sense, but the way you said this can’t be good for your mental health, or the mental health of the people who read it.
See my comment to over_clox below. I’m pretty sure on many levels of abstraction. It is unlikely to convince you. I’m cool with that. I don’t want it to happen. I’m simply noting the pieces aligning. I am broadly curious in many areas and subjects. I am also more broadly aware and generally skeptical than most people. None of that is a source of depression or in any way shape or form a justification for your accusatory statement implying the state of my mental health. I find that accusation tangential, offensive, and a personal attack in reply to a general statement where there was no individual in question. Turning a broad abstraction into a personal attack on an individual is reprehensible and rather pathetic behavior.
I apologize because I did not mean to make any sort of personal attack. If it came across that way that is entirely my fault.
If I can clarify in hopefully neutral terms, what I meant to say is that believing with certainty that 7 billion people are facing violent death within a generation or two cannot be good for anyone’s mental state and that sort of doom weighing on a mind will likely cause it many problems. It was not intended to be an attack on you, mainly an observation on the idea from my very limited point of view.
“Abortion debate” and all other culture warfare is only to keep the masses busy fighting each other so they don’t engage the rich in class warfare.
i would believe this if they hadn’t literally taken it away. it’s about oppression, simple as.
Three-way RISK to hoard resources, nuclear winter to hail Mary climate, a domed city, and a bunch of women on a spaceship with Elons kids and Y-chromosomes.
The hour is later than we know regarding climate change. Authoritarianism is the only way for governments to maintain control for as long as possible, protecting the powerful.
Collapse of civilization is right around the corner.
Collapse of civilization is right around the corner.
I wouldn’t be so sure. History is filled with examples of power grabs that endured for generations.
The ability to grow, store, and distribute grains at scale is necessary for the continued existence of civilization. Climate change will destroy this in short order. Once that ability is gone, so will be civilization.
There is no tomorrow.