This is my first post on lemmy so bear with me. Last week someone associated with the US govt floated the idea of kicking Canada out of the Five Eyes network. A week later… would you look at that. Thoughtless and unwarranted actions have consequences.
no country should share intelligence with the US considering sharing intelligence with the US under trump is just handing it directly to putin
@cupcakezealot @CircaV Except for impending terrorist attacks. Otherwise I agree.
Why should one of the eyes (Canada) help the country trying to annex it through economic means?
@NotSteve_ Because someone blowing himself up at a daycare is evil
A lot of people - including me - instinctively say “good, let’s make it the four eyes and exclude the US.”
But really, we need to do away with the x-eyes program entirely, in its current form.
Shared intelligence is great, but the biggest advantage to 5Eyes has always been that it indirectly allows countries to spy on their own citizens. It’s invasive, illegal bullshit that needs to stop.
Now it’s four eyes
Haha, nerds, sharing their intelligence
meanwhile, USA is smoking meth in the bathroom
“President Trump will work with any ally or partner who understands the dangerous world inherited after the disastrous Biden years”
a whiff of Führerprinzip coming from the White House
Thanks for your first post here. I’m very new and have only posted some sunrise pics.
Well anyway, a friend of mine back in England about 32 years ago said to me that “America is the greatest threat to world peace”. I didn’t believe him and didn’t understand. I was obviously a lot younger, and a lot more ignorant to the way of the world.
Well, look at it all now. John, you were actually making sense, thanks.