Spoiler alert: No we can’t.
I’ve been purging all my transphobic friends on Steam for this reason, they are cruel and evil people.
Either stop being a shit person, or stop being my friend, it’s not complicated
Transphobia has never made any sense to me, a cishet male. It’s like… has it ever occurred to you that different people have different needs? Stop being a hateful transphobic jackass and open your mind a fraction.
Damn. Reminding me how I need a femboy girlfriend
There are no femboys in this drawing, and not every conversation about women is about getting your dick and/or pussy wet.
I remember my “best friend” being very anti-queer, I lost any contact with that person eventually.
The problem is you’re posting an unrealistic scenario and made it sound like it really happened.
Obligatory “I’m a cis man” but this scenario is most of my extended family right now, with the lucky exceptions of my parents, siblings, and grandparents. I’m pretty sure they’ve all said this exact line multiple times.