the rave arc continues.
What is this comic even about at this point?
the comic is a kind of diary so its about whatever beens going on in her life. She tries to keep track of amusing stuff. Think of it about things you might tell as a story to your friends while hanging out. Some can come off as straight out jokes but some are like: Ok ok. so im at this rave and man this total frat boy comes in and is looking at me and waving and im like. whoa. I want to get away from this guy. So just as im looking to get as far away as I can. Get this. He starts macking on this other dude. Not just any dude but he practically looks like he could be on field and stream. Anway Im telling my buddy about how my douchedar is way off and hes all like. Oh no worries there. Our bears strung out on molly make eye contact with anyone coming in to where the douches just skaddadle.
I understood nothing. The text sounds like total gibberish to me.
Uh oh, weird possibly sexist guys
Nvm they are just gay dudes that have the same style
after that im also lost
Molly is MDMA,
It’s apparently burning man and all the problem guys are freaked out by the bears tripping Molly and just staring.
The last pannel, the dude on the left is a Molly bear.
There’s the missing link. It’s been about 20 years since I knew anyone who took mdma, and back then they called it eckies.
At risk of sounding out of touch, there’s no way I could have known what anything in panel 4 was supposed to mean.
its in portland and he calls it burning man camp so im thinking its something like the old bar camp but instead of being tech its like a side party for folks who attend burning man.
That’s a man not a bear though, what does bear mean in this context?
Life is strange haha
Maybe the joke is not to judge a book by its cover? Or that it’s nice to go to safe events where bad people are harassed until they leave?
I thought it was a smidgen of self awareness about how quickly we judge people.
None of these words are in the Bible.
Isn’t the Burning Man a dude from New Vegas ?
what are the goth clubs in Atlanta? The Heretic? Masquerade?