It’s better for looking up
Good luck with your i7 2746:653, you’ll be getting search results for random other i7
I mean there’s usually some sort of logic behind the name even if it’s not immediately apparent. I think monitors are just prone to lots of SKUs and frequent revisions as panels improve. Edit: HP for example has 146 items listed in their monitors section.
Product names now:
Crying wojak: “EWRT-3846-Pro”
Product names back then:
Chad wojak: “Pulsar 25”
When non-english-speaking places try to come up with real names, you end up with
Zeuslap, Hgfrtee, and Grebear
So the random characters only slightly inferior
I think you mean ZEUSLAP, HGFRTREE, and GREBEAR.
Oh, and they’re all the exact same product.
Yeah the HT269-GH262J has nothing on the HT269-GH262J-P#@/JKL
Me, researching online: What’s the difference between the HT269-GH262J-P#@/JKL and the HT269-GH262J-P#@/JKL v2?
Every spec sheet in existence for the two:
I’ll do you one better: The 2 monitors I bought from the same brand a year apart are different in many slight ways, one is capable of like 24hz higher refresh rate, the other has more options in the settings menu, etc.
They have the exact same model number and documentation, the manufacturer just replaced the old one and documentation with a new one without specifying anything had changed.