As the software gods intended.
Bravo. Truly an exceptional meme.
Upvoted for the “The Founder” reference.
Hope your third-party antivirus is fully updated
Hot take: I hate when software just extracts an executable.
Fucking install it so that it’s registered with the software updater and uninstaller. Don’t make me remember that I have to go hunting in the folder to delete this one app.
Assuming you are on Windows, the proper install method is to run
winget install -e --id BlenderFoundation.Blender
Cool, that doesn’t help because I don’t actually want blender.
I’m commenting on how much I hate when software is provided as just a portable executable.
I know that a lot of the time they’re also provided as flatpaks or debs or in snap or windows app store, or Apple app store, etc.
But I’m talking about doing the thing that is being described in the image: unpacking a portable executable.
Kind of a moot point since most windows programs don’t have a centralized hub for updates either, even when “properly installed” in program files.
Not really moot, no.
A portable executable can have neither of those things. It also won’t show up in the start menu app list.
With an installer, it’ll at least show up in the uninstaller, with an install size that I can see when I’m looking to uninstall things, and it’ll at least show up in the app list.
But they could also package it through the app store where you get all that plus centralized update management.
But I’d be happy with just having it show up in the app list and uninstaller.
It absolutely can, I have several portable apps with self updating ability built in, when I use them it prompts me if I want to update or not, I personally appreciate that in certain cases.
I do dislike when they throw config files all over the place, so cleanup becomes very messy if I need to remove something.
Again tho, natively on windows there isn’t a great way to do that anyway, the windows store sucks and not many will use the package managers via cmd either.
AppImage is absolute chaos. Like, there’s an entire application floating on my desktop and it doesn’t have an icon, doesn’t appear in my list of apps, doesn’t update and has its own copy of libraries that are on my system, but aren’t managed or updated.
It’s even better when I can’t find a program that I thought I had installed. I go on the internet, find the site, and realise it’s appimage. I download the file just to find I already had it, and it was in my downloads directory.
Just package your program properly FFS.
- You don’t need an uninstaller if deleting the folder suffices
- You don’t want some software to update.
I know I don’t NEED an uninstaller. I want to use the uninstaller I already have for all my other apps.
Let me have a consistent user experience.
Automatically figure out the right spot for the app resources and set the appropriate file permissions.
Show up in the list of installed applications, so I can sort them by size, if I’m running out of space.
Don’t make me jump through hoops or know the magical directory I need to put it in, in order to have it show up in the start menu or app drawer.
Some people prefer it.
I maintain a small piece of Windows software and originally just provided an installer, but I received enough requests for it that now when I publish releases I provide both an installer and a zipped portable build.