Assuming you have a partner, it’s absolutely mind-blowing!
Can you play this single player? Don’t have a friend.
My partner and I have played 4 hours so far. It is definitely a good game, feels smooth platforming wise. Also isn’t ‘easy’ (casual gamer standards) since it has a lot of different types of gameplay that they throw at you and makes you think on your feet. For instance, my partner (who is a gamer, but only for certain genres) had trouble with flying/driving in some sections.
So far a 5/5 game. I did come across some bugs, but nothing annoying or game breaking. Just funny ‘hiccups’ like sticking to objects that can be fixed by just button mashing or something.
I played about 2-3 hours online with a friend over the weekend. It’s pretty fun, the puzzles seem very easy though so far. Had a fair few issues though with frame rates dropping, I’m on a 5 year old machine running Linux, but my friend has a much better machine and still had.
Also swimming has normal movement, but flying has inverted vertical by default, wtf is that?
Does anyone know if the writing is any better than It Takes Two? My gf and I loved the gameplay in that game but the writing was just awful.
It’s not.
I’m still pretty early on but the dialogue is awful, and the two main characters are authors whose best ideas for novels amount to trolls and cyber ninjas. Not exactly unique or inspiring books guys. (Maybe this is some sort of point or satire I haven’t hit yet but I doubt it)
At least, like It Takes Two, the gameplay is reasonably enjoyable, particularly if you’re playing with someone who doesn’t play games a lot. It’s flashy in that Uncharted sort of way that will make them go “whoa cool”.
I can’t compare, since I’ve never seen or played ITT, but the dialogue in Split Fiction feels natural.