Ground news is pretty dope and the only people hating on it seem to be the people that have never used it, but thinks that it’s automatically bad because of the whole left/right thing.
It’s still a place to consume a large amount of news very quickly and at a glance you can see if one side isn’t reporting on something or if they are reporting on it using very different language or focusing on different aspects on the topic.
Nothing will ever be perfect, but as the saying goes the enemy of perfect is good.
Does ground news cover articles from sources that aren’t aligned with the false left-right dichotomy? Does it cover these sources without assigning them arbitrary conservative and liberal percentage numbers when the source may be aligned with a different ideology?
I’ll save everyone the trouble. If you want unbiased news, Ground News is not for you.
Yeah… I have a rule that I don’t take any advice from Australians ever.
They lost a war to some overgrown chickens for fuck sake.
So you don’t have any actual counter points to the very good points Friendly Jordies made about your favourite platform? Convince me, I’m on the fence about it.
I’ve tried it and I absolutely do not trust it.
And them covering left and right is part of it, yes. It works with made up American definitions of left and right, in which centrists to moderate rights are put on the left. As a result, international coverage is normally represented as left-biased, while really, Ground News and a broader American political landscape is right-biased. This is not a fair coverage and it and it doesn’t allow you to break through the propaganda.
Overall, concept is good, but if you follow this and think you are well-balanced and informed, you are not.
I don’t understand why someone would hate that they show both sides? Like, I’m not a centrist or right winger by any means, but it’s good to get out of the echo chamber sometimes. Everyone needs to be more critical of the media they consume and realize that not everyone thinks the same way they do. I don’t agree with the way the right reports on things, but I want to at least know what I’m not hearing that other people are.
I haven’t used it, mainly because I suspect they’re very caught up in the political landscape of the US. I don’t know what to do with a scale that only goes from “you may have some civil liberties as a treat, but only if they don’t affect stock prices” to “if you’re not a rich white hetero man I don’t care if you live or die”
That’s a very healthy mindset to have. Too many people happily lock themselves into many bubbles/echo chambers and they lose all perspective. Just because you discuss topics with people doesn’tean you have to agree with them. It’s still important to know what other views exist out there.
I wish more people were like you.
You forgot to mention that your personal favorite feature is the blind spot feature so I suspect you weren’t paid for saying this.
What if I was paid and this was actually just 4d chess guerilla marketing?
JK I wish I was getting paid to say shit like that.
Shit I would do an ad read for the Taliban if it would get me outta financial prison.
Do you even use the blind spot feature? Is it as mind blowing as all the youtubers keep telling me?
The most hilarious part is that Ground News tries to present itself as “unbiased” by covering news from “left” and “right”, but it does so from a US perspective, so almost all international sources are considered “left”.
They are not left, it’s you who is right, lol.
Which, BTW, highlights the broader issue of American politics, which is that people were honestly made to believe moderate right is the center, or even left. It is not.
I only get all my news and current events from Raid shadow legends! Or the Hoyoverse whatever the fuck that is.
From what I understand it’s like the Metaverse but with sexualized underage anime characters.
I get mine through the team chat of War Thunder! Enter the code TRTHMNSTRY and receive the special ammo full of facts to shoot straight into your enemies’ face!
I mean, of the possible sponsors out there, Ground News is pretty alright. I don’t particularly need another subscription, but it seems like a valuable enough service
It doesn’t provide any real benefit other than letting you know whether a news site is “left” or “right” leaning. Which is a massive false dichotomy used to divide people.
I prefer objective truth myself.
The original source. Be it scientific white papers, court filings, executive orders, the actual text of bills submitted in the house and senate. Etc, etc.
You just have to put in the effort.
I wait for it to become so important that it ends up in the meme and shitpost communities.
Back in the day my primary source of news was World of Warcraft. If it was important enough to matter it would show up in the game. If it wasn’t any way inconsequential I never heard of it.
You watched the Benn Jordan video too huh?