The Vapcell N40 18650 battery has impressive capacity
I tested this N40 I bought from Convoy at 1A on the Opus and got 3901 mAh. I expected a bit less since advertised capacity is usually at very low current, so I am pleased with this result.
#flashlight #flashlights #battery #batteries #18650 @flashlight
I wonder what chemistry it is
Thanks for testing. Love your reviews - they have helped me adjust my expectations of lights I think I’ll like, find the right battery, and determine amperage* since I have no way to properly test yet…yet…find the emitter specs where none are provided. The list goes on.
N40 battery is friggin awesome so far in my TS11 CuTi.
You could even say it has 3901000 mAh. (I show myself out)