But in all seriousness, have any of you guys heard from him?
Yeah, I was wondering about him, too. I think it’s wild the Lemmy is tight knit enough for stuff like worrying about specific users. Reminds me of the days when forums were the dominant social media of the internet.
I know his alt but I’m not telling.
Hoping all is well for him and his family. A major move like that in fairly short time is a lot to handle. I read a post not too long ago that his daughter has more friends and socialization going on in the brief time there than when in the US.
Be well Squid!
I have very few memories from the first three months after moving. The stress of moving combined with looking for a job combined with selling our old house just all piled on to everything. Couldn’t imagine what it’s like with the added burden of children and it being a different country.
Couldn’t imagine what it’s like with the added burden of children and it being a different country.
I was the kid in a similar scenario.
I was like 2010s and from PRC to USA. Had to install so much new firmware on my brain (aka: learn a whole new language). Also, racism 🙃
Isn’t flying squid going to UK? I think that make the process like much easier, no need to learn a new language (other than having a different accent).
Naw. Sent a DM a couple days back to check in, but have heard nothing. Here’s hoping they’re just busy with the real world.
Went to the beach for a donkey ride and just rode off into the sunset.