On point
They’re explicitly a centre-right party though. Having a two party system is jokes in this day-and-age (presumably why MAGA replaced it with your new one-party system).
Sadly too many people refuse to acknowledge/accept that the dnc is at all right leaning
I am becoming a believer that it isnt weakness, its complicity. The weakness is just a good facade to hide the truth.
It also shouldnt be surprising, the government is just a capitalist mouth piece.
“Fuck you I got mine” should be printed on our money
Democrats are insidious like that, they lull you to sleep with petty reform (inaction) then all of a sudden your neck deep in some insane culture war with all these niche idealogies vying for uber-commodification meanwhile theres a mass congregation of rabid reactionary literal hitlerites spurned on by the media to act as a defense for the rich mfers.
"I affirm your identity! You’re free to be who you are without shame! As you die in a cardboard box under a freeway of exposure for failing to be exploited well enough, and as an intentional threat to the other poories to keep laboring for their corpo bribers. 🤷
Ooh, but here, have a ribbon! I hear they’re quite tasty when boiled."
They’re not the primary villain, those are the corpo Fascists, but they’re sure as shit the bumbling secondary antagonist. The Denethor to Sauron.
Its all wedge issues. Keep us arguing about stuff that doesn’t get in the way of capitalism and you wont demand a better life. Hell many of us will even defend the party that aligns with our side of a wedge issue because “At least it isnt the other one i hate”, and while i understand voting for the lesser evil, we all do it, I will never understand defending the lesser evil. If 2 people are stabbing me to death I wont thank the one using a smaller knife.
“4/5 stabees confirm: Small knife party much preferred to Big knife party!”