2 points

I work 4 days a week, i also work a lot from home, only 1 or 2 days in the office, and i get so much more work done at home. a 4 day work week gives you so much more time to relax and do stuff for yourself. For me it didn’t even cost a bit, as my employer has a standard 34 work week. I feel so much more relaxed, as i can spend more time on running, being in nature, with my dogs etc

4 points

I work a 4x10 shift.

I got the short end of the stick so I get every Thursday off instead of a 3 day weekend.

Even so, it’s made a DRAMATIC difference in my life. I do chores, shopping, and home maintenance on Thursdays, and then actually spend weekends enjoying life with my family.

It’s great, but I am also the type of person that would work 2 x 20 hour shifts a week if I could. Long hours don’t bother me…the constant grind of eat/work/shower/sleep/repeat in a 5 day work week is what bothers me.

2 points

My office has summer Friday hours where we end at lunch time during the summer months. Its amazing and it makes the summer extra special since I can enjoy my weekend earlier. We are suppose to make up the time by working an hour more each day but no on really checks.

I think I would prefer to do that year round than 4-day work weeks with the extra 2 hours each day.

5 points

My job is a 4 ten hour day schedule and I love it compared to 5 eights. I’ll happily take longer work days for 3 days off. Also gives flexibility in the busy summer season when OT is available, can miss a day and make up for it another day, or put in OT and still have 2 days off rather than 1.

Not ideal compared to a 32 hour week for the same pay but I like it.

1 point

I am planning on dropping to working 32 hours a week instead of 40 as soon as I earn enough with that to pay my bills, mortgage and do some fun stuff.

I’m basically leaning on a very high tax bracket anyways, so the loss isn’t as great once I get a bit more of a salary bump.


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