They claim to be pro-life, but they’re really just anti-women and pro-forced-birth.
their namecalling and pointing fingers into others, too often ends up as a projection, while their pro-something claims too often ends up being flat opposite.
I’ve said this 1,000 times, and I’ll repeat it as often as I need to.
The Left is arguing Human Rights. The Right is arguing Property Rights. Conservative values are very clear that women are not seen as independent individuals, but as property of their fathers and then their husbands. Women are chattel. This mentality permeates and pervades every aspect of Conservative ideology where women are concerned. Men must protect women. Not because it benefits the woman, though they will tell women that they should be grateful for the protection. Men must protect their property, they must protect their investment in that woman. It’s important to understand that Conservatives view all non-white, non-male, queer, and non-Conservatives as inherently inferior, requiring their guidance and control to conform to their superior ideology, or extermination if they refuse.
View everything they say and do through that lens, and everything makes perfect sense.
This conclusion has nothing to do with the internet. It comes from having to live with these people. It comes from having their vitriol literally screamed in my face. The internet is somehow more sane than the reality I have to live in most days.
100%. There are plenty of studies showing that supposed “pro-life” sentiment explains little of the left-right difference in abortion support.
A 2014 study analyzed the data of more than 7400 people and found that “perceptions of preborn humanness explained very little of right–left differences in abortion support, and the association between preborn humanness perceptions and abortion opposition was no stronger for those on the political right (vs. left).”4 And a 2022 poll by Pew also found that a third of Americans simultaneously believe that a fetus is a person with rights and that the decision to abort should be up to the woman. This means that the majority of people who believe that life starts at conception (about 59%) still believe that women should have the right to an abortion.10
By contrast, a 2017 study found that sexism accounted for 30% to 70% of the left-right difference in abortion stance even after controlling for other relevant variables.5 An earlier study found that authoritarianism had a significant correlation with an anti-abortion position and aggression towards women,6 and a 2019 study found that right-wing authoritarianism had a significant correlation with anti-abortion stigma both before and after controlling for other variables.7
Perhaps unsurprisingly states that restrict abortions also have worse health outcomes for women and children.
That sounds right, but I wonder how they measured things like sexiam and authoritarianism. If it’s measurable, I would be interested to see how it corresponds with other political positions.
Probably with questions like “Should women be able to start a bank account without permission of their husband?” or something along those lines for sexism, and some sort of question that determines whether a ruler should be able to enact policies against the majority of the vote, etc.
Yup Republican, conservative, neoliberal, and capitalist need women to be brood sows and the young to be poor and uneducated. It’s the only way their economic and political systems work.
It’s funny you mention brood sows as one of the Idaho legislaters directly compared women’s reproduction to that of cows To quote him directly:
“I’ve milked a few cows, spent most of my time walking behind lines of cows, so if you want some ideas on repro and the women’s health thing, I have some definite opinions,” Nelsen said, before having a little chuckle to himself.
These states will quickly become women dead zones, like India and China. The moment women are able to leave, they will! Republican men already cry about the dating scene, just wait until ~50% of all women move away when they turn 18. The first civil war was fought over run away slaves, the second one will be over run away women.
why is america reverting itself to the dark ages?
Conservatives throughout history adore the dark ages of Europe. That was the peak of their power; the population was uneducated, worshiped the wealthy as kings and queens, and the people were too poor and stupid to do anything about it.
There’s a reason why the church hierarchy mirrors the structure of medieval feudal governments. It is one.
It’s not only hierarchical church groups that can be repressive.
The witch-hanging Puritans of New England were Congregationalists, who recognize no church authority higher than the congregation itself – but who compelled everyone in their colonies to pay church taxes and attend services. Likewise, the Southern Baptists – a denomination literally created to defend the sanctity of slavery – don’t have bishops or a church hierarchy.
Meanwhile the Episcopalians do have a church hierarchy (originally rooted in the Church of England, founded by Henry VIII), but are generally considered the most liberal of the “mainstream Protestant” churches.
Because the rabid right has been on a campaign for the last 50+ years to regain control and regress the country to a time before the civil rights era and before Roe v Wade. They’ve followed a multi-pronged attack strategy. They spread propaganda via right wing AM talk radio and then Fox News, and so on. They sidled up to the Christian right wing. They have fought against school funding and fought against teaching science and have dictated a conservative biased curriculum (TX). They have groomed judges and justices and influenced their appointment. They attacked the middle class and funneled that wealth to the ultra rich. They instituted voter suppression and outrageous gerrymandering. And on and on.
Half a century of that and the rest of us are fighting for our democracy and our lives against the rise of the extremist right wing (aka fascism).
Religion and religion mixed with politics, mostly.
It’s weird because conservative christians are some of the most evil people I know. It doesn’t make sense.
The supreme Court was quoting 12th century English common law in support for the abolition of roe versus Wade, if that tells you anything.
Also they want to “increase the supply of toddlers infants” for the domestic US adoption industry, which was also in Alitos opinion.
And, you know what they say about opinions…
Think of education. Back before the Internet and smartphones took off, education was distributed. The most centralization we had was curriculums per state. TV was the closest thing to the Internet, and because it was all we had, it was a huge money maker. There was lots of quality content on there, including educational stuff like Reading Rainbow, Sesame Street, Bill Nye the Science Guy… I could go in for a long time.
Once the Internet took over our lives, TV went to hell, and YouTube and social media took over. These were no longer curated or created with the same goals as the TV shows of the 90s. They are random people seeking attention, sucking in people so well that it pulled everyone down into a kind of sludge of stupidity. Instead of attracting people with dinosaurs, exploration to outer space, imagination, etc. they have Mr. Beast and others with their mouths wide open and spending a million dollars at a grocery store.
These are all English videos, so the barrier to entry for the US is very low compared to the rest of the world. They’re also American culture, so it resonates with Americans more.
Europe also has far better education systems than the US, so that goes a long way in resisting this kind of stuff.
America is self imploding because of its own narcissism, and the Internet is feeding into that and having a snowball effect. There is no regulation of ideas there.
It’s very similar to the dark ages because of someone just makes shit up, like “cure this disease by letting a leech suck some blood out of you” and enough people repeat it without being put in check by a higher authority, then it’s adopted as a common belief.
That’s the other part of this: politics is usually taboo to discuss with people here, at least many polite people think so. It’s a touchy subject, so you’re taught to not being up these things with friends or coworkers, which just creates even more of a vacuum.
“The Bible is clear, and the history of Christendom broadly is clear, that it’s the church’s responsibility to meet the needs of the poor and to ensure that people have the services that they need to live flourishing lives,” Conzatti said.
Besides just the practical craziness of the idea that you have to belong to a church to get social services, I don’t think the Bible makes it clear at all that social services are the church’s responsibility and not the state’s.
But Blaine Conzatti, president of the Idaho Family Policy Center and a leading anti-abortion lobbyist, is not bothered by the lack of government support. Pregnancies, births and child care are not the purview of the government, he said, but of families, communities, charities and, most of all, churches.
See? See the pivot there? Look carefully!
Pregnancies, births, and childcare are not the purview of the gov’t. …Except that pregnancy is the purview of the gov’t when it comes to the right to terminate an unwanted or unviable pregnancy. It’s clear and obvious hypocrisy. from the religious crowd.
If it’s all the responsibility of the families and government support is gone, they should not be surprised if people go back to fraternities, sororities and other social organisations of mutual support. You already see that happening with unions who were historically connected to these organizations. Governments don’t like those.
fucking newsflash: this has always been about subjugating women.
They’re regressive reactionaries. They’re reacting to the sexual revolution where women were freed from controlling patriarchal social mores around sex and relationships.
Before The Pill and Roe v Wade, women and their relationships and choice of partners was controlled by men or at least the patriarchy. Fathers guarded women’s chastity, peers and society at large enforced social mores with threat of shame, rejection, and ostracism.
The regressives want that all back. Sanctity of life is what many anti-abortionists claim. But you often see anti-abortionists talk about abortion in terms of (their idea of) sexual morality of women and they talk about pregnancy like it is some kind of “pUnIshMeNT fOr SiNniNg”. With the double-standard assumed, of course, because of their misogynistic worldview.