The Switch 2 will finally allow GameFreak to leave behind their terrible N64 visuals and adopt moderate to okay N64 visuals.
Very exciting time.
How can Breath of the Wild which was originally a Wii U release looks so much more refined and artistically appealing while running better than anything Gamefreak has made in the last 8 years?
Why would Game Freak improve their games if they keep selling like hot cakes?
It’s that simple.
Game freak still has no clue about doing 3D.
Besides BotW, compare the xenoblade games to 3d pokemon. Game freak just cannot make optimal use of the hardware that’s there.
IIRC BOTW was built on MonolithSoft’s engine (the devs behind Xenoblade) so in fairness, those games are more-so the same exception rather than the rule. That said, even without the comparison, GameFreak clearly did not properly optimize the Pokemon games on switch, with stuff like loading the whole map’s ocean at any given time.
Maybe Game Freak shouldn’t be the guys making Pokémon anymore
I know multiple people who complain about every release and then buy it, preferably both versions. A few even complaint there’s no third edition to buy anymore.
If anything, GF could reduce their quality even more.
Been clean since Sun/Moon.
I was disappointed with X/Y and gave them one last chance to change course.
The disappointing dungeons of X/Y had been replaced by nothing by straight lines with occasional fancy camera angles. The utter disgrace that was Z Cave as a super (only) dungeon was more than anything Sun/Moon offered.
For a game series meant to be about exploring and discovering monsters to collect, they’ve really let the exploration/discovery side down. Holding my console upside down is cool and all that, but gimmicks to sell strategy guides are no subsidy for actual explorable environments to lead to dynamic, emergent gameplay experiences.
Really want to make my take on a monster capture world explorer. I think there’s a lot of space for a spiritual successor to Pokémon.
Damn, the buildings in that screenshot do look like the terrible assets you got in simulator games ten years ago…