I left the US for Germany almost 2 years ago now. I’m a software/aerospace engineer. It was like time traveling to the future in some ways, worker right are way better here and 6 weeks of vacation has cemented that I’ll never go back.
Now I just need to do my part to make sure conservatives don’t ruin this country any more than they already have. Not excited for Merz to get into power and continue selling out his country.
Given the AfD results I wouldnt be sure if it couldnt get much much worse.
Tbh cost of living in germany has been rising a lot and a lot of public infrastructure has been severely underfunded.
I still know people leaving for the US, but given recent developments this has been getting rarer
I’m hoping, with the right policies and communication Die Linke can canbalize the AfD voter base. It’ll be hard with all of the money getting pumped into media to serve the right’s needs, but I’m hopeful the truth can cut threw the BS. Germany seems largely more educated and more responsive to science. But maybe that’s not data driven and just my emotional hope.
side note: Brain drain from an adversary is one of the reasons why the US completed the Manhattan Project faster. History repeating itself. Maybe this time around the fusion project is completed faster with the intention of long term peace without the need for deterrence.
It was the SSC, and they started building it but the federal Congress killed it, signed by Bill Clinton. Texas funded 400 million of the 2 billion cost up to the cancellation. I believe it was sacrificed on the altar of balancing the national budget. Texas reluctance to continue funding it was a contributing factor yes, but pretty much no one wanted to keep paying for it.
Keep in mind 2 billion in 90’s dollars is roughly 4-5 billion in today money.
The atmosphere is nearly perfect for an EU resurgence. American workers potentially willing to leave is only one piece of it. You also have interest in drawing together as a continent against a new shared enemy. Hell even Germany is ready to drop their spending limitations to actually try to rise to the occasion.
I really wish they’d take it a step further and pump heavy investment into the region - and not just defense. Isn’t it exactly the right time to build European industries to replace the American ones they are no longer sure they can trust?
I’ve been saying it since 2016: the EU should start granting political asylum to people from the US.
edit: I did say political
I moved from the U.S. to Germany in 2020.
My running joke since was wondering whether I’d be eligible for citizenship or asylum first….
Almost over the finish line for being eligible for citizenship, but I feel like asylum isn’t that far off.
You don’t need asylum if you are a legal resident. Asylum is the most insecure form of permit, especially in Germany, where the society is currently getting more and more hostile to migration, including labeling countries like Afghanistan as “safe countries of origin” and organizing deportations with the Taliban.
I think we don’t want open entrance policies in place that would make it easier for MAGAs to come over. Best to have some kind of requirement which filters out the MAGAs as much as possible, say minimum education level to get a work or digital nomad visa or only people from “at risk groups” such as Transexuals qualifying for asylum.
Were I am now, Portugal, there’s pretty open immigration policy for Brazil with no actual minimum requirements and the result is that we imported a ton of far right muppets from there, to the point that in the last Brazilian Presidential election the proportion of voters for Bolsonaro in Portugal (as Brasilians can vote from abroad) was a lot larger than in Brasil - since Brasilians resident in Portugal can get Portuguese nationality after 5 years, this also help fuel the rise of the Far Right locally.
Having some kind of reasonably easy and fair system to filter out the Fascist assholes would be much better.
There are already a handful of good digital nomad (and other) visa options that are really tempting.
I haven’t done a TON of research here, just watched a lot of youtube videos discussing the process, daydreaming of placing some distance between myself and Trump. There are a handful of countries across Europe I’d jump at the chance to move to if there were reasonable odds to get permanent residence or citizenship.
Nope don’t do it. U will get MAGA. Be super careful vetting anything that loves trump and musk. I myself planning on retiring early. 45 yo software engineer. I will end up in SEA in next 4 years. Getting ready to sell all my investment property here. America is not going to last for too long.
We’re already getting MAGA, thanks to the internet. It’s called far-right populism. Many of their takes are taken over from the X crazies 1:1. Sometimes they don’t even fit our situation. No matter. Flooding the zone is all that counts.
omg then the EU as we know it wont exist for long if such policies were to be implemented.
Can some of y’all flee to Canada instead?
We have French Canada if your dead set on speaking French.
I 100% would but being “skilled labor” kinda ruins it. I am finding out that 15 years of nuclear instrumentation work doesn’t appear to help much, at least not according to what I have found. For now though I am stuck here dealing with the insanity of America’s downfall. New plan is to save all my money to spend abroad and in Canada when on vacation. Just embarrassing to be American now.