I’m playing in a Magic the Gathering tournament on Saturday with 32 players, the biggest i’ve ever been in
EDIT: Tournament results
After 5 rounds of Swiss with 27 players (a few cancelled last minute), I finished with 3 victories and 2 defeats, landing on place 9, which was unfortunately 1 too far to make it to the Top 8 single-elimination tournament. I went home with 2 Krark-Clan Shamans, a Bloomborrow booster, a pack of assorted tokens and a voucher from a partner to get proxies printed.
It was really fun! I will play the same deck in 2 weeks again at my local game store and in another tournament.
Best of luck! I’m pretty new to MtG but that sounds fun - what kind of deck are you running?
Thank you! This is a Pauper tournament, so all cards in my deck are commons from throughout magic history. I play black-red-green called Jund Wildfire.
It tries to win through attacking with creatures from MH3 Writhing Chrysalis, Nyxborn Hydra, Refurbished Familiar, with spells to draw a lot of cards and get more lands into play.
And you, what decks and formats do you play?
Oh I’ve heard of Pauper! That deck looks great, Nyxborn Hydra definitely seems scary 👀
I only play EDH at the moment, but I’m interested in trying other formats for sure. I play a white/blue precon called First Flight which I’ve slightly upgraded and tweaked to focus more on life gain, as well as a red/blue deck I’ve put together with Magnus The Red as commander, focusing on token creatures and dealing damage to all players whenever I cast spells! I’m pretty new to the game 😅
Pauper staples for the top 8: DCI Promo Counterspells, Dust to Dusts (the Dark), Mental Notes (Judgement), Snuff Out (Mercadian Masques), Krark Clan Shamans (Mirrodin), Lotus Petals (Promo 30th Anniversary), Boosters, and goodies like sleeves, deckboxes, playmats, sets of tokens, vouchers to print full proxy decks
(in German) https://mtg-ortenau.de/mtg-ortenau-pauperparty-2/
Boardgames tonight at my sister’s house. Mom’s visiting my house tomorrow evening to see our newly finished kitchen. We’re having Indian food. Excellent stuff happening.
Traveled to Washington DC to attend protests against this fascist bullshit we got going on.
Open invitation if anyone wants to come.
Given the shitty weather forecasts i hope to be able to ride my road bicicle on sunday. Some 80km would be great, but i guess i will be luclky to go for 50km. As for saturday, maybe swimming pool and lots of stuff to fix at home.
Get some rest.