I’m beyond thrilled! can’t wait to see some of my favorite communities spring up here.
There are dozens of us.
I am one of the proud new users, and this is great to see!
Its still a shame that I will never recommend this place to anyone I know until the community changes here.
Its a bit chicken and the egg cause we likely need one for the other. But with the users proclivity for bans, and blocks you end up with a user base even smaller and discussion that more feels like a battle to be right most of the time because intellectual superiority is looked up to rather than conversation.
I still think a community of people competing to be the most right in every comment section does not lead to actual community and doesn’t even help provide facts or info to most communities when there are not many niches to which people in here can participate in. Objective facts work best not in fandoms but in crafts. Like what glue doesn’t melt Styrofoam when doing prop building not which show or game is best.
I may be alone in this but I yearn for “the normies”.
Me too, but I still prefer this place to reddit. I have the same exact gripe: those that must be the most right. I’ve just found a lot more of them on reddit than lemmy. I have lost count of the amount of times I start to write something on reddit, then imagine how someone somewhere, from some angle, can decide to be offended if they want to, then just delete the comment. It definitely happens on lemmy too, it’s just in my experience it has happened less here, so I have been more willing to type out comments here. It really sucks that this has not been your experience.
this is a problem with fediverse in general imho.
the tools admins and users have are blunt (defederate or block). with all sorts of content moderation policies and opinions you will inevitably end up either alienated from everyone or surrounded by people that think and talk just like you.
fediverse does offer many advantages… creating a better online “town square” is just not going to be one of them.
I have this insane thought that shorter bans but publicly stated when/why/how-long would be more beneficial to keeping a community aligned when it’s all we got. And that it would be harder to abuse and give insight into mods efforts.
But yeah I have said to others I intend to use it more as a link aggregator by effort but not community.
a community of people competing to be the most right in every comment section
I think this depends highly on the type of community. (Although clearly I’m doing it to you right now. Sorry.)
Highly political topics and such are the worst, probably. But others where people come because of a shared interest, like a sport or food or animal or something, a hobby, I think tend to be more chill and mellow.
You would think. I still won’t go back to the gardening community. And will probably just stop participating in anything around here.
The problem is that there is still to few others than those types. The topic seems secondary. The mellow places are where it’s empty.
Just keep posting and being the type of person you want to see as a community member here. The other site was exactly like you described above for a very long time!
This is great but i feel like we still need some speciality communities that will drive people here. This is an amazing start though
I think we need default instances that new users are put in to stream line the sign up process. Instances with little to no defederation so people can window shop for a instance that reflects their values. Or even just browse.
Looking through a intimidating list of instances all with their own special rules is not for everyone.
I agree, though you’ll probably get a lot of pushback on that from Fediverse enthusiasts since it goes against the idea of the decentralised concept and we should “distribute the users more evenly among instances”. At least that was the way discussion went on this topic back in 2023.
For the moment I feel like lemm.ee is a fairly solid “default” to recommend, though. Few defederations and great admins, very stable amd large enough to have a populated /all but not the massive behemoth that is .world (which I do agree has gotten too large).
Fantastic! New people (and old as well), please give to the community! Post and/or comment as much as possible, to make Lemmy an even better place!
You can do so by just regularly commenting and/or posting, but also by creating new communities and bringing some activity to inactive ones!