If you don’t get the joke: the cherry farm was planted over the graves of all the antivaxers.
Thanks for the title, I think I’d never got it otherwise
This sounds like sarcasm, but the joke legitimately didn’t click for me until I scanned the title again.
I thought it was because they were all dying and fertilizing the soil with their corpses.
Fuck gawd damn, I don’t know who I’m angrier at more: myself or the joke writer.
The humor lies in the dual meaning of the horticultural labor task and the selective bias fallacy having the same idiomatic phrase of “cherry picking”. And that is all there is to the humor.
I don’t get it
I’ve never picked cherries but I have pruned persimmon trees and I am skeptical that anti vaxxers would excel at any kind of agricultural work
“Cherry picking” is also a form of selective arguing, where someone will laser focus on one tiny part of the data, even if the rest of it says things contrary to their point.
So, if I had data saying that 70% of people who trod on landmines died immediately, 25% experienced loss of at least one limb, 2.5% were unharmed, and 2.5% were unaccounted for, a Cherry-picker might argue that landmine hopscotch is completely safe, since only 25% of people lost a limb, and a portion of people were completely unharmed.