I love everything about how she’s calling out the culture in her realm of academia and casting it in Stone by being the first pages of her book.
Sucks it all happened. But proud to have it justly put on blast.
What she has been through is awful.
I wish though that more people knew the difference between an Acknowledgements page and a Thank You page.
This should properly be titled Anti Thanks.
Acknowledgements should only cover individuals and institutions whose contributions are a direct factor in the material body of the text.
Edit: I see a surprisingly large number of you have, or plan to, amateurishly shoehorn your parents, best friends, favourite barista, and pet cat into your phD Acknowledgements.
Spend the 10 cents on having an extra page of front matter; your future publisher will thank me.
why is this rachel too scared to name names?
The amount of dudes in this comment section who really aren’t getting it is astounding…
Holy shit. Get em.