The Forbidding Unlawful Representation of Roleplaying in Education, or FURRIES, Act, filed by Austin-area Republican State Rep. Stan Gerdes, would “prohibit any non-human behavior by a student, including presenting himself or herself, on days other than exempt days, as anything other than a human being.”
The law would allow for exempt days, such as Halloween and other school dress-up days.
The law defines “non-human” behavior as “any type of behavior or accessory displayed by a student in a school district other than behaviors or accessories typically displayed by a member of the homo sapiens species,” with provided examples being:
Using a litter box for the passing of stool, urine or other human byproducts
A personal or outward display, except during a school play or by a school mascot, through surgical or superficial means of features that are non-human such as using tails, leashes, collars or other accessories designed for pets
Using fur, other than naturally occurring human hair or a wig made to look like human hair
Artificial, animal-like ears
Other physiological features that have not historically been assigned to the human race through a means of natural biological development
Students who bark, meow, hiss or make other animal noises that are not human speech
Licking oneself or others for the purpose of grooming or maintenance.
The party of small government
Apparently the legal limit for sex toys in general (in texas) is 6.
They’re not small enough to fit in womens’ size pants, but they sure are trying to fit in women’s pants to personally check for the absence of male anatomy.
It’s just one of several modern versions of satanic panic used to distract the dummies while they fleece them.
If enacted, I’m guessing the main effect of this would be to make “meow” the new standard greeting among a large fraction of the student population in Texas high schools.
I think we’re running into a phase where Republicans are proposing laws based on shared boomer facebook posts and the like rather then actual concrete issues.
Using a litter box for the passing of stool, urine or other human byproducts
They put that in the law because they want people to think it actually happens.
It reminds me of the time that a proposed bill outlawed “critical race theory” in schools, which it defined (in part) as teaching that present-day white people must feel guilty about past slavery. But nobody had ever taught that.
They do have cat litter. Its used during lockdowns when a child is locked in their classroom and cant leave to use the restroom. One school in particular that has cat litter is Columbine.
that in turn reminds me of