If we MUST eat a entire bag of Oreos.
Which scenario is better?
- Eat the entire bag in 30 minutes
- Eat the bag slowly, and evenly throughout a day?
A dentist once answered this question. Better to eat it at once than soak your teeth in sugar for the entire day. Even better if you brush your teeth after, of course.
Better for your teeth, sure. Nutritionally, I’m pretty sure it’s better to spread it out.
Nutritionally, it’s terrible either way.
I think your body would have a better time with it spread out over the course of the entire day. However you’re still absorbing an insane amount of sugar in a single day.
There’s a chance all at once would result in more of it being pooped out and thus be better … but it’s so close to just eating sugar I expect you’d absorb it and then your body would go into overdrive producing insulin.
Fine every now and then, but regularly it would be insanely bad no matter which way you do it.
Its better not to eat entire bag of Oreo in one day but if you must then its better to spread it over the day to avoid creating large sugar spike in your body.
I don’t think this is true unless you’re diabetic.
For non-diabetics insulin will store all the glucose just fine. Even if you have an elevated level for several hours I don’t think that’s particularly problematic to your health. It’s problematic to diabetics because their levels are elevated perpetually.
Oh, we must.
If I had to choose between those options, I’d eat them slowly throughout the day.
But in reality, it’s two sittings: one row in the afternoon, and the rest at the unhealthiest of times, around 9pm.
Not a nutritional expert or anything, but I’ll take some guesses.
Generally, it depends on how you spread out your activities, if you are going to be active. If you aren’t going to be active, it doesn’t matter when or how you eat them.
Still, high fructose corn syrup needs to be broken down by the liver before it can be used by your body. It doesn’t seem that it would get quickly used as an energy source, active or not. Spreading out the load over the day might be better for your liver and give you more opportunities to burn that energy. That is just speculation though.
If you eat a whole bag, then immediately run 10 miles, you are just going to vomit most of it out. Sounds like a win to me! (Doctor recommended. For realsies. /s)
Better to eat it at once. Your system can work away the high blood sugar level and then go back to normal.
If you create high blood sugar again and again, it is stressful for your pancreas all day long. Do that often and you will get overweight, and then diabetes.