“Let’s give the CEO big bonuses instead of investing it back into our failing business that desperately needs that money.”
Says, apparently, no one at Intel.
Edit: I just realized my punchline was off but I’ll leave it as is anyways. You get the point.
The MBAs are going to extract as much value as they can for themselves while they ride it to the bottom. Private equity will buy it at the bottom, sell off the profitable bits. Then IPO some hollowed out shell to clueless investors who will lose their money. The name will eventually be owned by a Chinese company that will slap it on Temu products.
Thinking about this a bit deeper, and I feel like if someone wasn’t a billionaire at first, invested his savings and took loans and grew a business, and did things right (assuming a benevolent fellow paying fair wages and generally being nice to everyone in his company and community, and not doing hanky panky tax bullshit) to become a billionaire over time, and got his rightful regular returns on his investment - that’s not the bad guy here. But the CEO who demands a stupidly high compensation going into high millions ,without investing capital, and thinks his skills and intelligence is worth him earning that much - that’s the true bad guy.
And in a week, 500 - 2000 people will get laid off to “save money.”
so weird to pay somebody that much