I have a full gauss prime set and don’t know if I should sell it.
More broadly, I hesitate to find the balance between building prime weapons and warframe or selling for plat because I don’t have any slot available. I started to put some sell offers on warframe.market and now wait. Should I sacrifice a bit Mastery ranks and trying warframes for plat ? To conclude; good game to everyone, and I hope you can farm what you all want :)
Should I sacrifice a bit of Mastery ranks and trying warframes for plat?
Honestly, never. I’m definitely biased saying this as an MR30, but trying out all of the Warframes and having builds for them is one of the best parts of the game. Really, slots are the best thing you can spend your plat on. Especially once you get into higher level content that starts to randomize what frames you are allowed to bring, you’ll want to have a solid roster of heavy hitters to ensure you have something usable. Gauss is def a heavy hitter.
If you have Kahl unlocked, selling archon mods is about the quickest sale. you can get 25-30 for each r0 and 120 for r10. 115 stock per week is just 5 stock shy of 4 mods a week. Augment mods can get 12-15 each too
You should be building and using every Warframe unless you don’t have Warframe slots for it, for MR purposes.
To answer your question directly, yes gauss is fun. VERY fun. Zoom Zoom.
I’d recommend farming some common parts and selling those for slots instead.
If you’re on the fence, you could farm some regular Gauss at Ur on Uranus, he’s mostly easy to farm and craft aside from the open world gems.
If you need plat, Burston Prime is always on rotation and trivial to farm, and is currently attached to some valuable primes like Wisp and Trumna: https://wiki.warframe.com/w/Burston_Prime
I almost exclusively use it as my “gotta go fast” frame, and I do find him more fun (and a lot more cool looking) than volt