A young woman died but it’s all about Big Bird
That blonde isn’t Birdie and she doesn’t seem to be at the Knix bathing suit shoot this year! Wonder what’s up!
She mixed water and powder! Now she’s done “cooking” for the week.
Now she’s talking about not “grieving right” borrowing content from her newest groupie Renee. I hope her fake friends realize she isn’t even worth being fake friends with. But maybe that’s already happening and that’s why she spent time with Alicia and who ever the other person was. She’s just such a looser!
She’s so pathetic. I’m still so baffled that she was able to go have fun last night but couldn’t go to her so called “best friends” birthday? Even for an hour to show up for your friend? I’ll never understand why these people think being friends with her is worthwhile. They all have their own things going on now, they really don’t need her.
Is she crying over the cat or the fact that BT didn’t hire her? A lot of speculation that was the big opportunity she was going for!
Really? I could NOT imagine her carrying a show even with a cohost. She is so awkward every time she has been on tv. She isn’t a good speaker, she cares too much about her appearance, she isn’t smart/has no valid input on life issues, she’s hardly funny. It’s no wonder she didn’t get hired.
That would require her to leave the house wouldn’t it? Did she really apply?
I hope Peony can finally see Birdie’s selfishness. She shelled out tons of $$$$ and spent days and days walking the Disney parks to fulfill the Turd’s childish wish and her ‘BFF’ can’t get off her ass and go to the party because a cat, she openly said she didn’t like, died. She said the cat spent her last day in a box she put out for her so it wasn’t sudden - it was planned. Bird is the ultimate me person and no one comes before her. I’m sure there were many reasons she didn’t want to go and it was convenient to put the cat down right before the event to give her an out. She could go do a photoshoot for the nails while the cat was on death’s door!
I truly don’t get why these people continue to be friends with her when she doesn’t treat them half as well as they treat her. If I were NB and Bri I’d just ditch Birdie altogether because she isn’t a good friend to them whatsoever.
The fact everyone dropped everything to fly off to Disney for birdies 40th yet she couldn’t get over her spouses cat passing to go to her friends bday a half hour away? It’s pathetic and I’d be so hurt if I were Bri. Especially seeing all the other things she got up to despite the cat dying.
And she can go meet up with other friends? AM is missing 1/2 her body. I guess this Disney group of girls aren’t as close as they wanted everyone to think .
This was interesting! I thought they were at the airport but maybe something for the kids sports? Birds picking besties who she thinks she can outshine…
Does she even have her kids on Sunday nights? I remember the sob story days when she would get McDonald’s pancakes delivered on Sundays before she had bring them back to their dad’s. AM blurring out the sign in the background is quite funny considering a lot of people know Birds exact address. I think it’s Mohawk Casino.
I bet she got work done at the “medspa” in Toronto and it didn’t heal as fast as she’d hoped. She couldn’t risk unfiltered photos from others.
Wonder if she’s doing the Knix reveal this week? She needs to keep up - the other woman who typically go to the shoot are natural and that’s their beauty. Sarah’s always posing to look like her instagram. I hope people wise up - she’s a selfish and childish woman.