Later studies found that pintos were not particularly more likely to explode than other cars of the same form factor from that era. Turns out, plenty of other manufacturers cut costs by placing the fuel tanks in the rear bumper. And either way there’s plenty of other things you should be more concerned about in deathtraps from that era, such as the steering column impaling you if the front of your car collides with anything, or the roof caving in if your car is ever upside-down.
What did Ford in was the Pinto Memo. Evil corpo pro-tip: Doing clownishly evil napkin math on the relative costs of lawsuits vs a cheap fix is fine, just don’t be so dumb as to write it down where a hungry journalist might find it.
Anyway are teslas better or worse than the pinto or comparable modern cars? Who fucking cares, if people actually cared about car safety they would all be lobbying to ban cars within cities and Tesla "F"SD would be illegal everywhere. Anyway it seems that the Swasticar branding is doing more damage to Tesla’s reputation than any amount of ludicrous safety and manufacturing issues ever did.
Because the percentages are less than the qty. The denominator is larger and the percentage is technically lower.
Idk I’m just talking out my ass but it sounds like it could math.
Quick eyeball of Tesla figures shows about 5mil sold over all models. Ford Pinto sold about 3mil. So the percentages are pretty close with Tesla deaths nearly quadruple Pinto deaths. And the truck hasn’t been out long so who know how many that will kill in accidents given its construction.
It is this. Everyone seems to have forgotten the Ford Exploder and all the rollover accidents well above the industry average as well.
Yeah, but not for much longer. I’ve had my Model 3 for 7 years, well before Elon went full public Nazi, and when there were almost no similar alternatives for less than $80k.
Just Blbeing anti-Tesla just because it’s the thing you do now is stupid. Facts are facts. Fascists aren’t the only ones that like to ignore inconvenient facts.
Acting like the hundreds of thousands of existing Tesla owners are the same as people currently buying just makes you look like a dipshit.
If only that was true, but it isn’t. They’re about even, and even if they where behind on %, it should have been a pretty big case as we’re supposed to have learned and be more vigilant
we’re supposed to have learned and be more vigilant
There is a regular ICE car fire every 3 minutes in the US, even after the changes made in vehicle design. But no one likes to talk about that fact. It’s normal and you don’t get to feel superior on the internet for making a snarky reply making fun of a billionaire who doesn’t know you exist or care about what you think.
there are more teslas than there are pintos?
That seems like a safe bet to me.
Yep, I can’t use this statistic for anything if it can’t compare to totals. I’m assuming that teslas, as a whole brand, outnumbers ford pinto, a single model, by at least 10x.
Mor than 3 million Pintos were sold and all Tesla models combined are under 10 million
I hate to defend Tesla because I hate the owner and there are serious issues with things like having the emergency escape door latches hidden and difficult to access…
But there were 1.5 million Pintos affected by the safety recall across 5 model years. Tesla sold more than that many cars last year alone, and estimates are they’ve sold about 7 million vehicles total.
The fire fatality rate was higher for Pinto than Tesla.
It’s hard to comprehend how things have simply inflated over the years. We’re dealing with massive numbers now, compared to 1970-1980…
That being said, even with the much higher numbers, we should consider the fact that as the numbers have gone up, so has safety technology.
So the cars should be expected to be safer year over year. The percentage of failures should be less.
That being said, just because it’s a smaller percentage doesn’t necessarily mean that we shouldn’t care about it happening.
In the end, I find your comment to be very useful in gaining a bit of perspective. While it might not fundamentally change my opinion, or anyone else’s, it’s good to understand the magnitude of these numbers, in comparison to the overall volume of vehicles out there.
*Opens /all*
*3/first 5 posts “tesla” or “musk”*
“You don’t hear about it.”
My dude it’s all I hear about ffs.