Guy doesn’t seem to understand what a “work persona” is. I wouldn’t want to date my own work persona let alone anyone else’s.
I don’t even have a linkedin work persona. its an online resume as well as a way to stay in touch with coworkers mainly by getting or giving recommendations. I don’t get why anyone posts there.
Once you’re above a certain level of wealth, you don’t need a worksona any more. Getting fired is just a temporary setback. The terrifying truth is that some people are actually like this; they think they are their careers. ML isn’t just the thing he does, it’s a part of who he is.
Dude has his parents setting up profiles on “matrimony sites” and thinks the part of that that is outdated is the fuckin web interface?
Like, imagine writing that, thinking LinkedIn would become a dating site…
And all your potential “dates” would see your comment about how Mummy and Daddy couldn’t arrange a marriage for you.
They want LinkedIn to be a dating site, because it says how much they make. And that’s the only thing they have going for them.
You’re judging based on arbitrary standards of the “modern” and “correct” way to find a partner.
I’m pretty sure the people who choose to find a partner by having their parents make profiles on “matrimony websites” are doing it wrong…
Now, I have zero experience with that tactic, but even the LinkedIn Lunatic seems to agree it’s not the best plan
So it’s not arbitrary standards, it’s based on that person saying it’s not working.
What’s confusing is they don’t seem to understandwhy women in 2025 aren’t attracted to that method
Who wants to marry a guy based on an ad his mother wrote? Every woman I know would see that as a giant red flag and run for the hills. Which again, seems to be what the person who tried it also found out…
I am pretty sure the women on those sites don’t decide who to marry themselves either. It is very likely their parents too.
Maybe for you and your culture but in most of the world it’s not how life is. Inlaws are a big part of marital life and without having your parent bride-hunt for you, you could easy understand the appeal of knowing ahead of time that the person with which you start to build a relation already get along with your parents and you get along with theirs.
No Fake Profiles
No Scams
Has this guy actually used LinkedIn lol?
Dude was probably being set up for an arranged marriage by his family, which can potentially pair you with someone you do not share any interests with or even attracted to in the first place. With that context, it kinda makes sense that he wants someone who at least shares something similar with him, and I guess linkedin is one way of finding out (in his mind).
I have a coworker who had an arranged marriage, and apparently they work pretty well!
Based on a sample size of one person you know from work and what they told you?
On the one hand, the idea of using linkedin as a dating website is irredeemably terrible. On the other hand, if singles who think otherwise actually follow through with it, that saves a bit of time and frustration for a lot of other people.
Looking at the demographics of people obsessed with linkedin, I feel like it’s gonna be a sausage party