What age would you choose? Mentally you still keep growing and you keep your normal life span. Also, what age are you currently?
- Covid and my gym shutting down fucked me over.
18 - I thought I was fat because waifs were in style, but my body was actually banging. I’m 72. I would most of all appreciate being arthritis free, with major organs all working at optimum.
Look after your knees, people.
30, 31 in a month.
I’d back it up and lock it at 26.
I don’t think this requires TOO MUCH explanation
23-27, that’s the age when I stopped feeling too young, but still had a serviceable amount of hair and could grow a good beard. Also I miss being horny. Late-thirties now.
Age 20.
Wait. If the body stays at that age. What happens when the mind dies? Does the body still keep going? Blood keep pumping? What do we do with the bodies? Billions of bodies? Burn the bodies for power generation?