I’ve always appreciated the feature of AI coding tools, where they confidently tell you they’ve done something completely wrong. Then if you call them on it, they super-confidently say: “Of course, here’s what needs to be done…”
Then proceed to do something even worse.
Or when you say there’s something wrong and the new version is just the same with comments
Yes. I love the confidently incorrect additional comments explaining in detail how the incorrect code works.
Though I’m usually pretty angry at that point, it is also pretty funny.
This cannot NOT be satire, come on. It’s too fucking funny
I don’t think it’s satire. Miami has become a mecca for crypto bros and “tech” fraudsters.
Bet you $1,000 the credentials are stored in plain text.
Having a backend is bloat. I do all my DB transactions straight from the frontend
I’ve heard that phrase a handful of times now and it’s already making my eye twitch. Though I don’t think it’s meant to be complimentary.
Wonder if ChatGPT just scraped an example token from somewhere and is using that.
Not exactly related, but I run an unraid game server for friends and use a lot of the preconstructed docker apps for games.
Most of them come with the server name preset and the server password preset.
I’ve jumped into many a “private” server called Docker-GAMENAME with the password still set to “Docker”
I’ve never seen the Holocaust happen with my own eyes either. Must not have happened.
Can I get this emotion bottled? I want to experience it at full strength later