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Just don’t pay. Debt-strikes are far more damaging than a work-stoppage.
It’s most likely that people won’t have a choice. Many people, anyway, from what I understand of USian wages and cost of living.
American wages vary as greatly with degrees as cost of living does with location.
Lower cost of living areas pay lower wages though, so unless you remote work a high paying job or commute, the numbers are lower but the ratios are the same.
I’m not talking about rent, I’m talking about the massive credit card and loan debt that has propped up millions of folks trying to live a lifestyle they can’t really afford. In the US, it’s incredibly common for folks to just take on debt for stupid shit, like a jacked up truck they only ever use to drive to the grocery store.
The debt is for groceries.
Super wealthy people portray it like you just did, but what you said isn’t accurate.
People are putting basic necessities on credit cards now.
this is the 6th time in the past 2 days i see this argument. blaming the people for using the system that has been forced on us over the past 20 years to bolster GDP.
i smell an attempted narrative change.
These days you have to take out thousands in credit card debt to buy breakfast.
I’m so glad that I got a surprise letter in January of 2024 stating that the Biden SAVE program had forgiven my entire $320,000 worth of student loans. I had originally borrowed $150k.
Wait, was that all fucking interest???
Also for 150k you better be a fucking doctor, mate.
Crashing the economy is the point, isn’t it. Every crash the richest few scoop up the assets and the peasants (most of Americans) settle for working for whatever scraps they can manage.
What is the economy and the stock market except a perpetual bubble built on debt, as we lower rates and do QE to encourage people to borrow, in order to derive consumption via the wealth effect created by the cantillon effect?
The last crisis the housing bubble was created because housing was useful as a liquidity sponge, as we can gatekeep an inelastic good behind a wall of debt to create a wealth effect so people consumed more.
This all seems to me by design, inherent in the system, which project 2025 seemed to be fighting against. For instance they want a cap on money creation of something like 3%, which means a lot smaller bubble. Maybe they do want less froth before they flip that switch, assuming it is their plan.
Crashing the stock market may be the plan here. Follow me on this …
Crashing the market and removing 20 to 30 percent of value.
Then at the low point invest heavily into the DOW.
Now support the market and get it back to previous levels.
Fucking rich fucks just made 30% in 1 to 2 years on that investment.
I am reminded again of how we need to organized. A few people here or there defaulting on loans or refusing to pay won’t make a difference. A lot of people not paying, but not talking to each other, is kind of a wild card. But if you and fifty thousand of your closest friends went to DC together to tell your reps this is unacceptable, and if they want to sleep at night it will change, maybe we’d see change.
But organizing is really hard and I don’t know how to go about it effectively.