That price tag though. 👎
Price seems kinda steep for a device that doesn’t have sleep/SpO2/Stress and HRV tracking capabilities
As someone very excited for this watch, the battery life with an always on display is more important to me than a sp02 sensor (Btw it will do sleep tracking). That and the button navigation are the killer features. The watch shows me what I need to know when I need to know it, always has the time on, and I can navigate it and control media playback without having to look at it (since buttons are consistent). I want a smart watch to be a good watch first then being smart is the second priority, and the pebble is the only watch I’ve ever had that gets those priorities right for me. Every other smart watch I’ve used sacrifices something I value to fit more features that I dont value as much. The pebbles have just gotten it right for me.
That said, the watch also isn’t for everyone, and a lot of people are OK charging their watch every day if it means they also get every feature they want.
as much as I loved the original Pebbles (and love the design of these too), I think basically the world has moved on… for this kind of money, I am buying a Garmin watch with GPS, HR, etc. but I hope there will be a group of enthusiasts and wish all the luck to the company with sales. more options are always better :)
I haven’t moved on. Pebble Time Steel was the best watch I’ve ever had. I’ve been using Fitbit since the death of Pebble and they never got as good as Pebble was. If Repebble hadn’t shown up, I’d probably be going Garmin after the inevitable death of Fitbit. But now that the choice is between Garmin and a hackable open source Pebble with 30 days of battery life… Repebble wins for me. ☺️
Fitbit was pretty bad. My wife had it and after the 3rd rma she just didn’t bother anymore.
I have a PineTime now and she basically claimed it as her own so I’m back to wearing analog watches.
I’m being horribly pedantic here but analog is just the display, you can have a highly computerized analog watch, or a purely mechanical digital watch!
out of curiosity what’s your favorite analog watch (by anyone’s definition) you own?
Oh I love my PineTime. I bought mine two years ago but it never played nice with Gadgetbridge, so it lived in a drawer until last month, when I saw someone had been using theirs pretty regularly with Gadgetbridge. I asked about it and mentioned my difficulties, they said that both had been significantly updated since then. Now here we are. It’s a great watch.
Anyone remember the screen tearing issue that fucked basically 100% of screens from pebble? I remember.
easy to fix with zebra strip replacement I’m still wearing pebble steel rn
I went through every single pebble that came out and never had this issue…maybe I got lucky?
It was really only the OG Pebble and the Steel. It was resolved by using a different screen connector in the Pebble 2 and Time.
I’ve had multiple OG’s over the years and each have developed the tearing issue. It’s a fairly easy fix if you’re comfortable opening electronics, but obviously that’s not going to work for every customer of a mass market product…
Only thing missing is NFC. If it had it I would get it in a heart beat