“The house I grew up in was built by the Dublin Corporation,” Meaney says.
“How could we build houses then and can’t build them now?.. It’s fking Thatcherism, Reaganism, the neoliberals and the trickle-down economy that Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael both bought into, [the idea] that the market will sort everything out. B***ocks.”
Our boy doesn’t hold back and I’m here for it!
That article is reason enough to like the guy, if one didn’t like him before.
Times sure have changed since “no Irish need apply”
Makes me wonder what he thought about Data’s offhand mention of Irish Reunification, or even if he had a hand in it (talking politics with a writer or something).
“What this show needs is more Operations Chiefs who built ships in bottles as boys, and can sling some daerts. I’m counting on you, Meaney.” -Berman probably